This must’ve taken a lot of tongue-biting, copious amounts of alcohol, and possibly sitting on your hand first to make sure it was fully numb so you wouldn’t feel anything.
This must’ve taken a lot of tongue-biting, copious amounts of alcohol, and possibly sitting on your hand first to make sure it was fully numb so you wouldn’t feel anything.
Pete Rose was overrated. Ichiro is the true hit king. You killed Ken Griffey Jr.
In the same proposal, Abramson reportedly claims he’s beaten the media to major stories.
It’s just... how do people not get the WYTS format by now?!
I wish people would also point to the first paragraph of this order, which acknowledges something about all those impact statements that Nassar frequently complains about: he agreed to an open-ended number of them.
Just how young do you think PhD students are? And do you think there aren’t any older students as well?
Really puts into question the water-tightness of that “sub” though, doesn’t it?
You think falling for an unverified false story is the sign of a good journalist?
My order is medium-rare because, like basically everyone you interviewed, I understand how fantastic a steak tastes when cooked to medium-rare. (By the way, someone should fire Kevin Pang for ruining a medium-rare ribeye with some steak sauce, and doubling-down on doing so by saying it wasn’t just for the assignment,…
To add to this, I like especially spicy food, but more specifically, food that has had its flavor balanced to be especially spicy. Spice for spice’s sake is a complete travesty and I only ask for spicier food at places I know where the cooks do a good job adjusting flavors for heat levels.
See? This is the appropriate PNW thought process. Goddammit, there’s no way any of us fans can even look in the Mariners’ direction at this point.
Us Mariners fans around the globe are walking on eggshells, knowing a single crackling is almost certain to send this thing off the rails.
left-handed notebooks or musical instruments.
And this particular betrayal really stings. I’m so pissed they didn’t right this wrong from the Wii days.
Clearly not. Maybe go back to school.
While arguing for no regulations is a bit of a straw man
This isn’t the real commenter who has the handle Dr. Emilio Lizardo (Ret’d). This shithead is an impostor.
FYI you’ve got a racist shit-head impostor: