istari rises

This is your worst take.

Update, 1:48 PM: During Wednesday’s press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump’s remarks about grocery-buying, saying he was clearly referencing having to show your driver’s license to buy alcohol.

Are you telling me you don’t think Hillary Clinton is powerful enough to choose to drive for a short time? That she can’t find a similar situation of promotion that would have been a comparable PR stunt?

Chemiclord is an especially dense commenter. To get through, you should have pointed out the video evidence of others driving while under Secret Service protection. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden come to mind.

It’s working title is “Sully 2: Back in the Cockpit Huh, Maybe That Wasn’t So Special

You have a bad opinion and you should feel bad for having it.

This is the right way to do it. Employees should be expected to be ready to work when their shift starts, not earlier. Putting on excessive equipment is work and should be a part of the shift, but a uniform isn’t.

TheGCU is right. The letter of the law is clear that it doesn’t apply to someone like Daniels.

Well, given how quickly the prosecutor dropped the charges, I’d say that no, her act didn’t violate any laws.

Probably the same people who see no logical fallacy in the “special place in Hell” line of thinking.

I’m just glad no one was on-hand to mumble ”Bernie Bros” in reaction to so many progressives having a cogent discussion.

For me it’s Majora’s Mask. My first time through it I really didn’t understand the plot and it was just too ‘different’ from what I was expecting (“no Zelda?! This sucks!”)


Missed “Filed to” opportunity.

Since someone brought Garrett Yrigoyen out of the grays, but they haven’t yet said something disgusting, I won't outright dismiss them.

No I don’t.

“I saw how easy it would be, as a parent, to accept the idea that my children deserve healthcare and education.


(I only got like 20 lines into this thing.)

My exact thought as well.