Excellent! I just didn’t quite know so I didn’t want you to be blind-sided or anything.
Excellent! I just didn’t quite know so I didn’t want you to be blind-sided or anything.
Wait ‘til you hear about how long they’ve had a top-tier, universal healthcare system. The U.S. has been behind them in certain things for quite a long time.
I REALLY like the idea of you carrying on this particular idea, given CarsOfFortLangley is bowing out.
The current shit president’s plan is to raise tuition because the insurance company won’t pay for all of this (they may not admit wrongdoing in the settlement, but you can be sure as fuck that the insurance company holds them responsible and is refusing to pay the whole thing).
By the time he finished shooting, he concluded that “in the end we played each other and I confirmed what I feared this was all about.”
This is the best DISCLOSURE I’ve seen on a GMG article. Kudos!
No it isn’t. Nowhere in Musk’s post-visit tweet did he acknowledge that his idea wasn’t practical.
Twitter: where Watson can’t call a liar a fucking liar, but that liar should be able to call the foremost cave expert of the rescue location a pedophile and be forgiven for it.
So sorry Yttrium.
FYI I do social science research in sub-Saharan Africa and I refuse to call North Americans/Europeans who have immigrated to the countries I work in anything other than immigrants.
As people are pointing out on Twitter, Roberts is the reporter who didn’t object to Trump refusing to take a question from another news outlet.
I’m sorry, which viewpoint was it that this journalist was touting?
C'mon! I'm eating here!
Nope. Still requires agreeing to Bixby’s terms.
No you can’t. Because I didn’t ask how to disable Bixby, I asked how to disable Bixby without having to agree to its terms.
I’ve had Spotted Cow and rather enjoyed it. But also, I’ve always heard it called a farmhouse ale... though of course I really don’t know what that is either and whether or not it’s a kind of cream ale.
Hi Kate! If you see this, would you mind answering a question following this up?
Trump’s absurd behavior in Britain wasn’t some attempt to purposefully disrespect a monarch. No, all the people I know mocking the president over this are pointing out how completely devoid of cultural knowledge he is.
Honestly, I have no desire to use this button. I would love nothing more than to just be able to disable the Bixby button without having to agree to its bullshit terms in the first place. My guess is it’s possible after rooting, but it sure would be nice to take care of it without having to choose between handing…