istari rises

Does anyone know how much this retails for in Japan?

If someone went to Arby’s or Applebee’s or used Jif peanut butter, you might guess they were conservative. If they didn’t own fishing gear or use ranch dressing, but drank alcohol and bought novels? Probably a liberal.

I mean, you could just give them a number, right? “My name is One.

“I know some people don’t like the way I roleplay,” SGX said to Kotaku, “but do you get angry at actors on screen when they play EVIL as part of the character?” In a two hour video titled “A BIG MESSAGE TO THE NO MAN’S SKY COMMUNITY,” SGX reiterated this point numerous times: he’s just roleplaying, and the people who

And all of this happened a year ago, supposedly before the zero-tolerance policy? Because, in the hypothetical you’ve laid out, the government’s last encounter with the adult was at the point that they were separated from the child. Meaning, they knew that adult’s location at that time, but the reported note from the

Where in this pathetic screengrab is proof that Musk was asked to get involved? Because all I see is someone saying it would be fine if engineers who work for Musk CONTINUED to work on the DETAILS of an IDEA. No invitation to show up. No suggestion to actually build something. And certainly no suggestion that Musk

It’s almost guaranteed someone in the background discussions about this bill pointed this exact thing out as a “bonus.”

Good job picking up on what I was implying.

I’m curious as to how the recently-enacted “zero tolerance” policy was able to reach back into time to cause a possible U.S. citizen, under the age of 5, to be ripped from their possible-U.S.-citizen parent more than a year ago.

You know stig, I’ve been looking for a while now, and I can’t find a single reason why you and others think this tweet was aimed at centrist or right-leaning Democrats. Candidate O-C does’t say it and neither does Katherine.

In another comment I compared it to a football team intentionally taking a Delay of Game penalty to give their kicker a more desirable angle on the goalposts.

No. Trying to get away with breaking a rule without the prescribed consequence is cheating.

Was this your sign-off? Great choice Burke.

Get it going on Kickstarter!

Gotta share the image!

I’m so glad you get to have such an excellent final day here Burke! We’re all really going to miss you. Good luck with everything at your new gig.

God is a fictional, sentient, amphibian, rebel general?

while the 1% are doing things like putting elevators in the new house they are building.

You’re not wrong. Barthwell seems to want to forget how Mariah just told Tilda that she has never been wanted and is not loved by her own mother - at the end of a monologue about how she was the product of long-term sexual abuse by a family member and was only carried to term because her mother couldn't get an

I did it just as specified in the video: Four thin pieces of clear Scotch tape (or whatever brand you have lying around) over the outside INSIDE half of the contacts