Absolutely. Though I remembered chemiclord about two minutes too late to ETA. Although I’m not sure chemiclord is a centrist and not a conservative.
Absolutely. Though I remembered chemiclord about two minutes too late to ETA. Although I’m not sure chemiclord is a centrist and not a conservative.
I think it’s really funny that your first attempt at directly responding to my original comment’s content is yet again a sub-comment, where you begin by complaining about having your first, off-topic insult dismissed.
lol you had your chance to engage directly and on-topic. Bye!
By the way, reactionary bandwagoners don’t get credit for being reactionary bandwagoners. Especially not when they still incorrectly describe the platforms of other socialist politicians.
They never yelled that.! Obviously they’ve been yelling “SPEAK AMERICAN!!!!”
“But wait we need to know what Ned in Clusterfuck, Nebraska thinks about this. We should also talk to Barney & Zeke in Dipshit, Iowa to get their opinion”
All the so-called “Bernie-Bros” you know worked for Hillary Clinton’s staff? That’s weird...
All I have to do is keep pointing out that I not only never supported Trump, but that Hillary Clinton DID, and whatever distraction you decide to focus upon at any given moment is moot. Because, at the end of the day, you supported someone who supported Trump and I didn’t.
That’s because we did more to oppose Trump’s candidacy than Clinton herself.
Games, both on physical cards and digital downloads, have their own encrypted certificates that identify them as legit.
lol bye
I like how you think I did anything more than dismiss Ugh.’s off-topic, sexist, heterosexist, and hyper-masculine insults that didn’t contribute to the conversation. And I only dismissed them after they started dismissing my replies.
Oh, the comment where you slung together a string of poorly-worded insults with all sorts of gendering problems, coming long after I pointed out your ongoing childish sub-commenting, and which offered no actual engagement, but merely served to make yourself feel better? That dismissed comment?
Looks like they still aren’t capable of directly engaging honestly. Oh well. I just hope they don’t write themselves out of steam! Whatever would we do without their weak prose and infantile rationale?
Count your retweets, lil’ guy. I have a feeling that those and your gamer score are real points of pride for you!
Yep, still a complete fucking child. Grow up.