istari rises

“We both acknowledged that we need to talk about how I can improve my performance so the chaplaincy operates for as many members as possible,” he told the paper. “I don’t know any pastor or any chaplain anywhere that doesn’t have some detractors. That is the human condition. My problem is I was never told that that

I love how everyone here thinks understanding statistics and memorizing them is the same exact thing.

First off, most PhDs in social sciences involve a lot of qualitative work, with fewer involving quantitative work.

Crunching stats is different from memorizing them and recalling them instantly.

Not to mention, a psychology PhD does jack shit to help one remember all the probabilities involved.

Yeah there was no chance for Quill to kill Gamora in that entire scene. Thanos already had the Reality Stone and had constructed what they walked into.

You’re forgetting the rest of the analogy: by hitting the dude in the head, you crucially continue the sequence of events needed to reverse the obliteration of half the universe’s population.

Nancy Worley, the chair of Alabama’s Democratic Party who supported Clinton in 2016, told HuffPost that Clinton “should return the money for the ‘love of the Democratic Party’ to the DNC for its use.”

Not to mention, this article’s explanation is completely wrong!


His fastball topped out at about 87 miles per hour

Don’t give in like that. Neither of those tweets say Wolf wasn’t funny, they (wrongly) say her set didn’t help things.

More like the runny-nosed kid Jason, but all grown up...

Exactly. The only real joke mentioning her appearance really was the use of smoky eyes. Can’t exactly call that an insult when that description is almost always considered positive.

I wanted to add an ETA after hitting publish, but waited because it seems we’re basically seeing each other’s responses immediately...

In the example we are now discussing - Maasai property tenure systems - yes, the language used to discuss an individual’s or family’s status was not economic. By the way, I’m referring to “property tenure systems” because these systems culturally regulated domestic herd sizes and regulated access to environmental

Ok, you’re unlikely to believe me on this, but this specific example you’ve provided comes directly from one of my areas of expertise.

2. We should use “wealth” and “poverty” in a technical way to avoid confusing the current state of the world with prior states of the world.

some individuals had more resources and some individuals had very few resources. We can call that wealth and poverty or we can not.

Our exchanges were a casualty to an idiot.