istari rises

No no not you. Someone else.

Getting rid of a troll. Fuck off with your disingenuous bullshit.

What does a country politically oppressed by the global capitalist system have to do with this discussion?

I’m seriously arguing that the concept of wealth, as the entire world conceives of it today, is an invention of capitalism, because they must, otherwise they aren’t talking about concept-wealth.

This entire explanation of wealth as somehow preexisting its etymological origins is entirely nonsensical. The wealth concept as it exists is an invention of capitalism. It gets its vocalization from a combination of terms used to describe non-wealth concepts that are partially related, but are not the same. Your own

Those terms date to the beginnings of capitalist thought, where words were mashed together to describe economic-value-based moral judgments that relied on previous judgments not related to economics.

Did you hear that folks? Capitalism cured starvation!

No, my point is that wealth and poverty are specifically determined by the global capitalist system and serve as a self-congratulatory indication rubric, so pointing to the increase of the former and decrease in the latter is not a barometer for how well capitalism is contributing to the progression of humans, but

The fear, I think, is that the social safety net becomes so robust that it discourages work.

Please define for me “wealth” and “poverty.” Take note of how doing so requires descriptions based upon a capitalist system, since both are specific terms created for their use in that system. Any attempt to define them without explicitly describing them in capitalist terms will demand deployment of analogies that

I’m pretty far left and I’m deeply suspicious of universal basic income programs.

All you’ve done is point out that growth of the system used to determine a positive trait described as “wealth” and a negative trait described as “poverty” - which only exist within that system - has led to better PR for itself.

What’s still concerning here is the explanation that she’s only escaping punishment because they decided her true statements didn’t come in an official capacity as a professor.

It’s not difficult to understand why: Our phones give us the false notion we are connected to the world. We spend our day documenting what we do to show “friends and family,” an abstract community that can also include co-workers or even strangers.

No way are the Royals going to win in October.

Best not to feed Verlander’s shitty Kinja burner...

By an incredibly strict interpretation of baseball’s incredibly stupid and ridiculous unwritten rules, this could be considered a no-no—stealing base late in a blowout is considered bad form. 5-0 in the fifth inning isn’t a close game, but it’s also hardly a blowout!

And now the Mariners have used up all their good fortunes for the season.

Absolutely I did! Glad to see I didn’t have to be the one to find a graphic/clip for it.