istari rises

Those NTSB recommendations were themselves at Captain Sullenberger’s recommendation.

“Okay, so, the information being conveyed here is that a few anonymous people who are close to Brady believe that Brady has every intention of playing football in 2018"

“Ina new report out today, the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute argues that ‘minimum wage proposals are being evaluated as worthwhile only if researchers can prove that there will be no job loss and no negative costs of the policy for low-wage workers,’ which is a standard that is ‘distinctly different than the

And here you are again conflating “the test” with training in general. And also it’s funny you point to FAA’s rejection of Sullenberger’s recommendations that part of training be incorporated into formal examinations (you know, AFTER the incident that gave him the fame that enabled him to even make the recommendation).

More than a few.

You do know simulators don’t just exist, but are an important tool in commercial pilot training, right?

I threw shade at them, and now you, because they and you are wrong. Pilots train for that scenario in simulators.

A dual engine failure at low altitude over a highly populated area to a ditching in water with no casualties is unbelievable. That is a situation no one trains for nor expects and has never happened before.

You’ve finally turned me onto why I like reading your wrenching articles, despite not being that much of a ‘car’ person or really someone who has taken the time to learn the ins and outs of wrenching on my own car.

Bacon. Mushrooms. Raw tomatoes.

And you’re arguing with someone who has also worked in two of the three industries being discussed too (online advertising platforms and media buying, separately).

Maybe then you’re conflating advertising agencies with advertising space> Either way, you seem unable to see past some block that keeps you from seeing the fundamental similarity.

The analogies, especially the one with a billboard, are not rough, but rather accurate.

No, it’s a fundamentally identical thing that incorporates surface-level expansion of features to make it seem different.

My ETA isn’t showing up yet, so I’ll copy it here:

You own the space, and sell ads, but your value is based on the locations that you have purchased

I’ve said this several times and I’ll say it again.

But this isn’t your original argument.
