istari rises

Starring for the advisory.

We’ll see what happens. The Democrat brand is enormously popular nationally relative to Republicans in generic ballot polling, but some specific Democratic senators are behind in the polls (some are even shitty).

C’mon, I jabbed a little, but it seemed pretty likely to have just been a brain-fart.

If you’re talking about Trump himself calling agencies, then to be honest, I don’t know that the news outlets receiving these leaks would be willing to hide the president’s identity like that. Breitbart, absolutely. Fox Opinion, of course.

Nothing good comes from a non-citizen joining the military.

So wait, we should kick out the people whose heads we fucked up by putting them through military hell, rather than treating them with the compassion and excellent care they deserve?

Or, and I know this might be hard for your pea-sized dinosaur brain to comprehend, but maybe people get mad at these individual cases precisely because they illuminate exactly what is wrong with our oppressive, immoral immigration laws?

Why should we be impeaching a Circuit Court judge?

I don’t know that a I’ve ever read such a strong “socialism” vibe in your work before, Katherine.

Wait, are you really trying to argue against the validity of this just because you don’t realize that Twitter presents a tweet’s time to each individual viewer based on their timezone?

Surprised he didn’t push them up when talking to Warren, as he said “well, ACTUALLY”

This is the most important aspect of this conversation.

Repealing any part of the Bill of Rights makes me uneasy.

What I think you’re saying is, you caused Trump.

I don’t think the dating app gave Jessica the phone numbers, I think those are the numbers Malcolm collected when he met up with the women from the app. Jessica just called the saved numbers, but asked them to check the app to get the distances.

A bigger problem is people who think an ad hominem is any insult at all.

I prefer “Jarvanka” because the “r” makes it worse.


it would be fascinating to see her try and say with a straight face she wasn’t a prostitute

Glad you finally found that I’m entirely against caucuses, but still found a reason to bitch. Bye troll!