I think it’s really funny you think a 45-1 advantage - with more than half the superdelegates for Clinton - is in any way comparable to a 3-1 advantage with less than half committed at all.
I think it’s really funny you think a 45-1 advantage - with more than half the superdelegates for Clinton - is in any way comparable to a 3-1 advantage with less than half committed at all.
Nothing you’ve ranted about in your half-dozen posts contributes! By idiot! Enjoy the dismiss!
You did it first and you did it better.
We got the good years, you get the cost and fading ability, coupled with the strong-as-ever mouth.
I don’t know why you think this will be the outcome.
I’m confident Sherman’s fading beauty won’t do him any favors in SF. He’s an average cornerback now.
I really wish Chris had included this info.
“The large majority of undocumented immigrants from the last decade entered the country legally. They become undocumented when they overstay their visas. Other undocumented immigrants who qualify for DACA were brought across the border by someone else when they were too young to have committed the crime of crossing…
You’re right, we don’t have all the facts. All we have is the former volunteer saying he’s fairly certain he contacted it from a sexual encounter while serving and him not being forthcoming about practicing safe sex in the article. That’s probably because he wasn’t, but that info doesn’t make for as sympathetic a…
Ashley Feinberg will always and forever be a goddamned national treasure.
Washington wine is fantastic.
This is a state-by-state thing. I know of at least Michigan, where this is not true about bicycles, and probably not about horses either:
You, sir, are a complete shitstain. Bye!
And also by purpose.
This is me too. I don’t see the value in buying access to a digital file and it bugs me when some games are only released digitally (like Snipperclips).
Washing cloth wipes uses up water and electricity too, but to be fair, it’s probably less than toilet paper’s 13 gallons per roll. The specific amount depends on whether you use hot water, whether you hang your wipes to air dry, and whether you throw the wipes in with your other laundry.
This guy apparently wants Democrats to have the positions of Republicans, so that they can be elected with a (D) next to their name and make it appear as though the party is somehow winning.
Clinton grabbed 15% of the vote before even the year started, and you’re doubling down on the idea that she DIDN’T grab power?
This may be true (it isn’t), but stig asked who should be tasked with overseeing customs. CBP already oversees customs. The C in ICE is to make a nice-sounding acronym.
Yeah... No.