istari rises

There’s no way this happens. Democratic leadership is going to take the wrong message away from 2016. They’ll decide that their picking of Clinton back in 2012 or earlier - and clearing of the field to try and make her nomination seem somehow democratic - was doomed by not having ENOUGH of their thumb on the scale.

In Swahili, that’s “toroka.”

East Africa has dozens of indigenous languages, many of which have their own sayings responding to someone’s sneeze.

Deleted. You’re someone else, and even less worth an honest response at this point.

Spanish-speaking Latinx people do not claim to speak for everyone, they are making their case for the change as a way to include their identity in a language that institutionalizes gender binary and masculinity as a default. They are not lecturing you; they’re asserting their right to exist and be spoken about with

Sorry you don’t surround yourself with LGBTQ folks; sucks to be you. Not at all surprised you can’t see past your own bullshit lens and recognize its Spanish-speaking roots in non-academic LGBTQ communities.

So in other words, you disbelieve a credible source on the subject in favor of your prejudiced notion of how people speak?

“Well everything seems to be properly cited so I don’t see the problem?” This quote, like its writer WhyDonYouLikeMee [sic], is utter bullshit and should be mocked relentlessly (Wiley et al. 2013).

You’re referencing someone’s undergraduate honor’s thesis? Uh... ok

If you really want to stick to your guns, then I suggest you Google “etymology Latinx” and learn about the term’s history. It was coined by Spanish-speaking LGBTQ communities online.

Fuck you asshole.

What’s more inclusive is listening to those Spanish-speakers with non-binary gender identities about how they would like to be included.

I’m sorry, is “nuestrx” an established word with a community who writes and/or speakes it? Or is it a fake example you just made up, with no point other than to show you don’t understand the conversation?

“Not wanting to limit this inclusivity to a single day in March, the Times has said that Overlooked will become a regular weekly feature in their obituaries section and will aim to expand beyond just forgotten women.”

And I’ve met dozens of LGBTQ who do object. Neither anecdote helps, but mine is backed up by online publications and published social scientific research.

You’re not wrong.

Pretty sure they were too busy being brutalized for being members of Spanish-speaking LGBTQ communities for all that.

So your preference is what then? Because the terms that existed before are all similarly tainted by colonialism (Spanish is, after all, the colonizer’s language).

Latinx was coined by Spanish speakers.

You must not know that Spanish speakers are the ones who coined the term then.