istari rises

This is simply not true. The term comes from Latinx academics as a response to the masculine-as-neutral rule in Spanish, and has since taken off outside of academia. It did not originate with white people. And claiming it originated with white academics (as some do) is most definitely white-washing.

Goddamn autocorrect

What is either racist or presumptuous about the term “Latin”?

This is quite possibly the worst take Aran has had in a while.

Since a previously-announced deal was quickly overturned because it didn’t include healthcare fixes - and was later followed up by the Senate reneging on the 5% raise anyway - I don’t know that it’s safe to call this over.

Silly you, Republicans don’t think.

Well, if you want to appease this guy, then yes.

Exactly this.

His laziness is doing plenty of damage too.

Wait... IT Crowd?

Not to mention, if it *were* illegal, civil disobedience is an actual thing that works.

Don’t you know? Your job is to be a machine cog. No human interactions allowed.

I can guarantee you this isn’t true.

You think Trump might remember something that didn’t happen to him personally?

I don’t know of any who outright admitted to lying and continued to do this job. That’s enough to keep someone from being able to work.

Oh no I don’t think this was the intended outcome. I think Democrats literally thought, “we’re spineless and don’t want to upset anyone, even those who will never vote for us; we’ve gotta stay quiet otherwise someone might talk to us about our comments!”

In this case, my commenter name should probably be yours. Here’s the bulk of what I wrote yesterday about it:

I think you’re at least partially mistaken.