
Yeah, these last couple of days have been rough.

Fuck you Patrick for getting me to feel good about something that was a positive for the Cardinals.

I too was thinking it might be a Western North America thing, but then I found it referenced in a book by a writer out of Chicago. So really don’t know.

I grew up with friends who could gleek on command. But, now that I think about it, I only ever heard that term in that context. Poking around briefly via Google, I can’t find anyone seriously discussing the term’s etymology in reference to this act (though the term is an archaic form used synonymously with “to jest.”

I love this comment, purely for the two-in-one narrative, with the opening coming back at the end to finish out.

If you already registered, the government probably mailed you a big packet of information about your polling place.

I know it won’t happen, but having .500 overall and <.500 at home would be such a sweet ending.

Hi Lindsey. Do you know what it means to “Other” someone or a group of people?

Why am I even listening to this in the first place?

The fuck am I listening to?!

I’m must curious, because I can’t have the audio on, but did they really rule it safe?! Or just legal?

I’m surprised Martin Stadium hasn’t been renamed Tiny Busch Gardens yet.


Yep, I thought so.

Yep, I thought so.

Yep, I thought so.

You’re the one who brought it up to distract from the fact that you were wrong about the announcers providing analysis. The onus is on you to back up your assertion.

Sorry, that isn’t how this works. You have proof, provide it. Otherwise, fuck off.

Neither of those were published on Deadspin and, unless you have a screenshot showing they appeared in any form on Deadspin, you’re assertion is entirely hollow.

You’re saying Deadspin has published revenge porn? That should have made news on another website, so you’re gonna need to show some evidence of that for me to believe you.