
Glad they’re willing to do something. I half expected there to be some kind of tone-deaf ‘if Kaepernick can sit during the anthem and insult our troops, Clevenger can be honest about how he sees our nation’s current problems’ statement. Mostly because, as an Ms fan, I always expect the worst, most disappointing

Still nothing pithy to say, so serious will have to do:

No it looks like all 15 of them were dutifully in attendance.

I’m not positive, but I think Rose’s defense team was going for, ‘she was an adult who can make grown-up decisions about alcohol and sex. So saying she couldn’t give consent while drunk doesn’t work.’

Exactly this. Rose’s defense team won’t be looking to win in court, they’ll be looking to get a favorable settlement, and the judge just handed them the largest chip they could possibly ask for: this woman’s identity being made public.

You win

“We’re convinced that, by moving away, all the contracts simply disappeared into the ether. No repercussions or anything.”

Do you think any of them know the phrase tabula rasa well enough to actually try and use it?

This might be the only acceptable alternative.

There’s still hope that the Cardinals will lose out in the Wild Card race. They have to face the league-leading Cubs, and the Mets and Giants both face losing teams: the Phillies and Padres, respectively.

Let’s get this comment to the top of the pile, so people realize the guy is a (shitty) troll even before having one of his pass their eyes.

God you’re dense. Blacks are a failed race and sitting for the national anthem won’t change that.

civilians are turning just as violent as the cops

Are you sure this person isn’t taking video to upload later, or streaming live?

In his statement last year, Sherman is most definitely dismissing police misconduct as a small-potatoes distraction and saying that he thinks the real problem is intra-ethnic crime (which can be debated in other settings, but I don’t have the energy to do it here). He’s essentially saying, “I think you all are going

I go with a cutoff of people who can reasonably have a memory of seeing the September 11th attack news as it was happening. That puts the cutoff at about 1996 or 1997.

Given he was born in 1997 (ETA: or ‘98), some (myself included) wouldn’t consider Bowen to be a Millennial.

If you read the link I provided, you’ll see why I call this a shift. Because yes, he’s long been engaged in charitable activities that reach out to kids, but his reaction last year to the BLM movement was to recoil a bit at the protest and wonder if their message was what was needed, given how law enforcement has been

At least they ended up winning it.

I can’t say this redeemed the team, but this certainly did vindicate all those who saw the team’s actions and were sure it was hiding the true beliefs of several players.