
Starredfor your accurate commentary, Ley. Fuck this weak-ass non-statement and fuck anyone who points to it and says, “good on Cam!”

Seems to me visitors shouldn’t be all that bent out of shape about having growling stomachs for a couple hours.


Sounds to me like Tim hit a nerve with his getting-up-off-the-ground comment. You need a moment, Magary?

People need look no further than the Democratic primary from this past year as a mild check on this complaint. Sanders was bashed, repeatedly, for being too “narrow” in his approach to inequality, since - in the words of his detractors - ‘racism isn’t so much an economic problem.’ Sanders and his supporters were

I can’t tell you how happy I am to see the river ranked appropriately.

Both of these are excellent!

+1 can I take your order?

I believe it’s called “reversion to the mean.”

Drew’s shit

Hey Draper, is this an open thread? Because I got a question.

Do you really believe this bullshit?

I think the relevant takeaway is that it’s largely pointless to rely on generation as a worthwhile lens through which to meaningfully understand groups of people.

That works for me, sure.

I said it elsewhere, but generational edges are fuzzy. A lot of people even say 18 in 2001 (using September 11th as a generationally-defining moment). So somewhere between ‘81 and ‘83.

Well, slurs defined by fuzzy dates, but your point stands. The specifics are debatable at the edge, but no way in hell is a 37-year-old able to claim to be anything other than a Gen-Xer or, if they try really hard and are really immature, a Millennial.

Every single mid-80s-birthed person I know are certain they’re Millennials.

There’s nothing gray about it.

Pretty sure he’d write, “Constitute law expert.”