9. At Ralph Wilson stadium, onto the next row of fans
9. At Ralph Wilson stadium, onto the next row of fans
What is your earliest sports memory?
C’mon, it’s gotta be Dizzy Bat, right? I mean, there’s enough anticipation (will he swing full-speed into that poll?) and surprise to rival any excellently-written comedic joke!
Am I the only one that stars every one of these
Given that Challenger and the September 11th attacks were 14 years apart, that’s a decent benchmark, but I know plenty of Millennials who just answered this question with, “O.J. verdict.” A few say they even saw some of the verdict’s announcement live while at elementary school.
Again, no not really. Johnson was exactly where he was supposed to be and Lackey was not. The respective catchers were the ones more in error, but had the catchers done what they were supposed to do, Lofton probably would have been thrown out and Hamilton most definitely would not.
How is that against what I wrote?
Wish you had had this info about all the dumpster fires in St. Louis last night to accompany this piece.
I was just thinking about this! Glad you posted it.
Well, since they lost that last game, I find it a bit hard to be happy for you, since they aren’t “the best team in the league.”
‘This thing is terrible and I don’t want to know about it so please stop talking about it okay?’
They should confiscate the 11th ball. Why should he get to keep that “souvenir”?
Hample can eat shit.
Should I not be explaining the joke?
How hard would it have been to get the caption right, too? Jesus.
Knowing plenty of Christian home-schooled teenagers when growing up, this smelled very fake to me (to disagree with everyone else).
I don’t want to speak for anyone else, but I believe that ballhawking lessens the sense of accomplishment of catching a baseball.