This is the best comment thread under this article, for sure.
This is the best comment thread under this article, for sure.
Oh no, plagiarism is a thing, you all just pretend it isn’t because it’d endanger the house of cards you’ve all built yourself (and that you’ve all built around all of us).
To go further than this, if being a white man is germane to the character (especially the controlled main character), then one should seriously question whether the story is all that work exploring in the first place. I’m not saying there aren’t legitimate reasons for needing one’s character to be a white man, but I…
How this isn’t the comment with the most stars baffles me.
His beat is lining up perfectly with the music I’m currently listening to!
-1 Kinja
Professionals?! Having fun on the diamond?! The unwritten rules have GOTTA say something about this, right?!
On a side-note, this bikini thing is similar to that one from the other day (yesterday?). Did you ever figure out more about them?
You all are doing The Lord’s work, Burke. Keep it up.
Apparently the wider support was a bug, not a feature.
Also, if the game being aired is the Royals-Yankees, then ESPN’s lips appear to remain firmly locked onto NYC’s dick, since an 11-18 team doesn’t deserve the amount of national coverage ESPN continues to afford them.
I mostly agree with you, but at most schools not even football generates money. I think what you meant was, football generates good press (usually).
In fact, legally, he has every right to do what he did; political affiliation is not a protected class, so if he wants to refuse service based on that, he’s breaking no laws, according to attorneys contacted by Fox News.
There is no other correct answer.
Nevermind the fact that the person who joined him at the table wasn’t even the person with whom he had been texting.
This was the one that immediately came to mind when Tom brought up how bystanders don’t get to speak for themselves, but become the objects of focus in the sketch.
I’m glad for your third paragraph. Because yeah, Jess was a dick and there was no real hope of Tom’s interactions with her to turn out well from the get-go, but she never would have been given the opportunity to psychologically mess with Tom if it weren’t for the apparently-soulless producers at ABC.
Do we not get one of these for tonight’s 14th loss?
Damn. I was with you until you said “Royals.”