
Gotta love a cute facepalm, right?!

And look at that deck movement! Makes the landing all the more impressive!

You think it’s a degree difference only because you believe the stereotype to be true.

“I certainly know plenty of men who broke up with girls and were banging someone almost immediately afterward.”

This isn’t a “NotAllMen hand-wringing.” It’s pointing out a basically untrue stereotype.

I honestly don’t know which is more common, but the essence of your comment is important:

There’s something profoundly funny about the fact that this little guy sounds more intelligent on the subject of CTE than Roger Goodell.

The Kid is also acceptable.

Besides, if NoA plans to keep a 10% stake, then selling their 45% stake to Microsoft won’t make them the outright majority shareholder unless they already are a minority shareholder.

It’s possible the functionality will remain, as it doesn’t sound like NoA is selling off all of their shares, but rather all but a 10% stake. They want to make another shareholder into the majority holder. That remaining 10% stake means they’re probably going to stay involved in some way.

In meat alone he eats nearly 2 kilos! That’s insane!

I get the impulse to dump on Colon, but the tweeted gif really makes it clear that Hamilton only reached because the moron tossing to Colon doesn’t understand how to throw at moving targets.

Jesus, this shoot was... well-staged.

Deadspin Writer: :watches video of thing:

And agnostic atheists can be just as bad as gnostic theists sometimes (sometimes). I know too many agnostic atheists who assert all agnostics are, by definition, atheists, because they do not understand the knowledge/truth and faith/belief aspects you’ve expertly delineated.

But agnostic atheists can be just as bad as gnostic atheists sometimes (sometimes). I know too many agnostic atheists who assert all agnostics are, by definition, atheists, because they do not understand the knowledge/truth and faith/belief aspects BIMming It explains here. Many of those agnostic atheists are arguing

She’ll include women on her short-list, sure. But FUCK if she’s gonna share her historic moment with anyone else.

Is this where we make a, the OP was right, joke about how you must not be upper-crust enough to warrant a firing?

However, the statute very clearly says that the plate is not for people who have simple “light sensitivity,” which can be solved with “the use of sunglasses or other eye protective devices.”

I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that that’s a Cardinal’s hat.