Even if there are no racial connotations to this, one word to that teacher. Not even a word, a name: Newtown. Don't paint gunshot wounds on kids man.
Even if there are no racial connotations to this, one word to that teacher. Not even a word, a name: Newtown. Don't paint gunshot wounds on kids man.
I’ve been going to the movies for more than 40 years, of every kind of genre you can think of, and Endgame was one of my best theater experiences, bar none. I don’t give a shit if it was “cinema” or not.
Anytime someone starts talking about what’s is and isn’t “art,” it’s a pretty big tell that most everything they’re about to say is biased/bullshit. And in the end, I think a lot of it ends up boiling down to classism. Look at the performing arts and imagine the arguments they’d have to make to make the same…
It’s no different when my gran used to say things like “Dating isn’t like in the old days.”
Popular art is still art.
You can criticize Marvel movies without looking down on them.
Oh yes, because gangster films are so original and artistic.
I get that they are all frustrated because it is getting harder to finance their style of film, and resources are waning for so many non-blockbuster films, but at the same time these are the same people who don’t want to embrace alternative media (i.e., Netflix, Amazon Films, etc.) and have objected to their…
Something I think is kind of funny is that sometimes Halsey is authentically a dead ringer for the person Pink was pretending to be. I wonder if she has complicated opinions on that.
This seems appropriate. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be allowed to have a job, but it probably shouldn’t be one where he has influence over girls or women.
These people live in fucking Alaska, they are not sane.
It’s not, which is why the school principal met with all of the swim team parents and told them not to target any kids on the team with negativity, and then took that individual parent aside and told him to never pull a stunt like that again, and began attending every swim meet - including away meets - to monitor the…
Yeah that seems ripe for litigation, although it sounds like this poor family has enough to do just trying to get their daughter to be allowed to swim on the team like the other girls
It’s NOT. Frankly I’d have the police have a chat with that person because it skates child porn.
Well any sane person would tell you that it is not, so ...
Vote in the primaries, people!
I keep hearing about how people were sick and tired of being told that racism and sexism are bad... or they just don’t want to be called out for their racist sexist shit anymore.
A big change from anyone knowing what they’re doing or what the fuck they’re talking about? Beats me.
She didn’t say exactly, naturally. No one who has that belief can actually break it down.