
Also, at least in baseball, for regular season baseball, the home field advantage has as much to do with sleeping in your own bed, and not catching a 2 am flight as it does to any crowd benefit. It is utterly silly to claim playing in Tropicana is somehow better than playing in Arlington.

Studies show that home field advantage is real across all sports (so not just in baseball where the order of who gets to hit is a built-in advantage). Astros would be a competitive disadvantage if they had to play this series at Texas. Better to play at a neutral site than road site.

I’m not sure how Cardinals fans made this happen, but it’s clearly their fault.

The Rangers would have still ended the season with a home series, and their concern about the wild card race is laughable considering they traded half the team a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, the Astros are now on a 19 game road trip regardless of where this series is played, halfway across the country from their stranded

“This is fine.”