Israel Joshua Davis

I believe they do have two seasons play in a year but I don't think it was always the case when it first started.

So true. There is honestly so many lessons that can come from this episode. Greed being one of them for sure.

Well said. I still can't believe he did that. I don't care how long you are out on that island or what the stakes are some things like that should never be crossed. I had no idea Zeke was trans however now that his teammates know it might benefit him if he does make it to the final two because that was some strong and

I love Varner but honestly it takes a strong person (Zeke in this case) to forgive someone for something like that. That was truly a big fuck up.

The racism, sexism, and lgbt trashing was a lot more clear in older seasons. You can definitely tell that after 34 seasons it's definitely changed the way they handle lots of those topics now.


Agreed. I actually think the bottom three girls have a chance to stir up the game next episode for sure now.

Exactly, you have to come in swinging if you are at the bottom. Not just take it. I'd rather have very little chances of winning than no chance of winning because I let myself get sent home.

I feel like I'm the only person in the world that gets annoyed by Keith. He's just not my type of company I guess. Or maybe I just don't like that he isn't ever thinking strategy.

I would always keep splitting the votes in mind if I was in their shoes. It just makes sense. Like they have a bottom three why would they even care who goes home out of those three. But it's cool I'm glad they didn't split the votes.

Same here! I loved it! I was like "Yasssss bish!" I just needed someone to do something big and that was it. Makes me excited for next weeks episode.