Israeli Jalop

All I know is: Larry would never pull this shit.

Perhaps it is just Grounded to the Ground?

The worst and biggest, you ask? "Hybrids are eco-friendly". If you think otherwise, compare manufacturing a hybrid with a 'regular' car, especially the batteries.

I was already enjoying the video, but then the shot of the old bearded dude with that huge grin on his face roasting the rubber on that old Charger made my day. He looks like a great guy.

Solution: Get rid of the cat.

How Red Bull really makes their cars part 3

Seriously disappointed. but +2 points for keystone copping them around it.

That music might be a bit annoying but the 'syncronized' video stutter deserves punishment for being more annoying than than a hoard of screaming children.

Should have gone with the vintage mount, bet he would have filmed and kept hold of that t-top for you

Customs and immigration at TLV Ben Gurion airport is very easy, especially with a US passport. It helps a lot that Israel isn't rife with corruption.


It seems like the Korean one is going to win, but I also nominate the Golan Heights...I don't think this one needs explaining....

Hell - in proper Alfa fashion, it could have logged a DNF and broken down half way and I would still be tempted.

These days, probably a border with Israel. Historically Check Point Charlie was pretty brutal.

The ones that aren't made by companies named after fruit.

When the budget is low: Peugeot 306.

Thanks for joining us, Chip. Have you made any headway with the Super Replicas guys who said they were your business partners? Looks like their videos are still up.

Your first.

Looks like somebody axed a few too many questions.