I did't see anywhere that says that I can post an alternate DL. http://cl.ly/293v402Q062p
I did't see anywhere that says that I can post an alternate DL. http://cl.ly/293v402Q062p
You are making one hell of an assumption for anything found on the internet.
Yeah, I hate to be "that guy" and no it's not from a movie, but the first scene where Takumi meets Keisuke in initial D is just pure gold.
I must ask though, do you understand why they have to drive like that? Do you know what happens if they allow themselves to be boxed in in certain dangerous cities / areas?
I understand that this is a car blog and that you cover all aspects of car culture, but I kinda think that this is one of the few things that is better left unpublicized. Internet fame is all these jackasses are after, and any mention of them (even when followed by stern warnings that what they did is stupid and no…
Using some Ikea furniture, an Ardunio, and some code in AutoHotkey we might.
"Just because your car is not 'Supercar' does not mean it is not a 'Super' car."