
I didn’t miss that part, I saw that part.

When confronted by a bear, YOU DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM IT.

She went outside to see what was going on, found herself face to face with a bear and did exactly what she was supposed to do. STAND FUCKING STILL.

You don’t seem to understand, spraying it is not going to do the job alone.

That’s how you survive, STAND AND YELL AT IT.

You. Do. Not. Move. When. A. Bear. Sees. You.

That cabin isn’t going to protect her, it won’t do jackshit against a bear.

My argument does make sense, you’re refusing to listen.

Did you know yelling at the bear SCARES IT? Yeah, that’s the point. The actual advice is literally to stand there and yell at it.

You wanna know

Also, one more thing I’d like to add.

You know what’s worse than being stranded?

Being stranded with gaping wounds inflicted by your attempt to fight a bear.

Being stranded without injury gives you a pretty big chance of survival, especially when you’re someone who often goes out and adventures through the wilds.


None of that is remotely strong enough motivation to approach a bear.

She’d be stranded in a cabin, a location that would have people visiting it often. A place where authorities will actually go and look. A place that likely has food supplies, heat and other such amenities to keep you safe.

You never walk up to a bear,

You really only ever use that stuff if they are charging at you, not to get them the hell away from your stuff. It also requires you to walk up to them or walk in general. You really shouldn’t walk/run toward or walk/run away from a bear, you’ll only anger them. Hit em with mace if they look to charge, stand your

Watch around the 1:44 mark. The bear flinches when the woman again screams, “Bear!” Perhaps it’s thinking, “Lady, have you ever considered my name may not be ‘Bear’?? And would you rather I maul you?? Leave me ALONE!”

I bought my PS3 on release day, opened it up last week and there was only a small amount of dust. I agree with the person you responded to, this doesn’t seem like it should be that common. Place the console high up, put it in an open space, don’t god damn smoke, keep your pets away (I put my PS3 in a closed off room,

Being an asshole is a choice and you’ve dug yourself in firmly.

Read what I said, not what you want said.

Read what I said, until then, shove the fuck off.

You read the first line of what I said, skimmed the rest and are acting like a prick.

Read what I said, not what you want said.

“a long and often angry piece of writing that usually accuses someone of something or complains about something”

Welp, you got it right, I was complaining about your inability to read.

The problem is that a screed is usually a few thousand words long in one go. That was not, it was 104 words. Is that really too

You didn’t even read what I’ve said this whole time, shut the fuck up, read what I said and get back to me. Until then, shove the fuck off.

Holy shit, shut the fuck up and read what I said, not what you want to be said. This is getting obnoxious, fuck off until you can read.

The medium of text means that something that would otherwise be fairly small, would look fairly large. 500 words is a short conversation in any other fashion, not a sign of anger. Do you think someone telling you how their day went is them getting pissed off at you after word 500? Are they suddenly trying to murder

You’re so witty, calm it down George Carlin.

I have no idea, according to my ex, a hitman. So, maybe a hitman?

Oh and Novella’s are around 20,000 to 50,000 words.

Mad doesn’t mean what you think it means.

So I pen a calm response and I’m instantly raging? Do you have the same superpower as the last guy? Why aren’t you helping him solve the Zodiac murders?

Maybe, just maybe, you’re putting your dick in my mouth. Now, normally a dick in my mouth is ok, but I would like to ask that

And I’m Santa Clause.

Great usage of your knowledge there “You don’t like something, so must be an idiot.”. You proud of yourself for that wit?

Points to you for clearly not even reading what I said, I dig the way you roll. You just rolled right past and went straight into the intelligence insults, right on man, you