
No, you don’t throw beer at Trump. You throw Budweiser at him.

If that’s not a quintessentially American headline, I don’t know what is.

I don’t care if you live there, it’s not a mystery.

“In 1719, a group of visitors found a tribe of Indians with light skin, gray/blue eyes and light brown hair that spoke Elizabethan English. These Indians told these visitors that their ancestors “talked from a book.” Their customs were similar to the early English

He never stopped making those jokes, he’s merely apologized that people were offended by them.

There is sort of a point where that excuse is no longer valid and he’s at that point. You can only go with “Socially inept” for so long before it becomes clear that you want to be that way. These two assholes are both at that

You’re way too invested in this.

What you should be invest in is getting a new title maker, disliking something or someone that is popular with tweens does not immediately make one dislike tweens. I dislike Twilight, but could care less about tweens. I dislike Twilight because it’s a poor book series turned into an

I feel like starting at his constant use of rape jokes, that’s a pretty good place to start if you’re trying to figure out the hate.

Bieber is hated for much the same reason the Pubes here, he’s a douchebag.

Kotaku: How to Make Someone Not Play a Game With One Title!

There was a tree with the word “Croatan” marked on it. Fun story about this, there is an island nearby named “Croatan” and a few years later they found some blue eyed and pale natives there.

The real mystery is why you can’t spend about 10 minutes looking this up.

How is this a mystery? They went to Croatan Island and banged the natives.

I sort of have to agree with you, women can wear whatever the hell they want.

However, in this case the issue is clearly that they just wanted a half-nude woman carrying a gun around and they won’t admit to this. If they would admit it they wouldn’t be nearly as deep in this as they are.

They could have also gotten away

.....I don’t think this is anything like what you just said....

Cut open, not hacked open.

(Was a big rant, until I noticed your final line. Carry on.)

Good reporting here Kotaku, you’ve done a fantastic job reporting this in a completely fair and unbiased manner.

I would like to point you toward IP, Trademark and Copyright laws before you continue to make yourselves look any more idiotic.

The bad press is misleading stupidity that doesn’t understand how IP laws work and that you can’t make a profit off something you have no legal right to.

Pokemon Company is legally clear and these morons broke some pretty hefty laws and given they are business owners, had to know they were. This isn’t something Pokemon

You know though, it is very much illegal to make a profit off someone’s property. This isn’t a dick move and this isn’t a stupid lawsuit. These people are making a profit off something they do not own. This also isn’t some kid’s party, it’s a party run by a company and one that should know what they are doing is very

You’re kind of being a dick.

I wish Netflix would stop focusing on original content and put that money into getting more third party content, but hey, to each their own.

If you are a paying member, Hulu doesn’t serve ads for movies, at all.