
Speaking as someone who, back in the day, was training to be the kind of endurance cyclist that Hall was—and was hit by a car—I can say this with authority: shut it. It wasn’t my fault that I got hit. I was right where I was supposed to be—on the side of the road. It was the fault of the idiot driver who wasn’t paying

Excuse me? I was making it about puns, thank you very much.

Cyclists have as much of a right to the road as anyone else.

I’m sure you’ll say a lot of stupid things until you’re blue in the face. Cyclists have as much of a right to the road as anyone else. If you can’t be trusted to remain aware of what is on the road with you then you shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a car.

Yep get those cars off the roads until they can learn to drive safely!

All of that is true, but really, I was just making a very subtle pun.

It’s dangerous. Some say I’m crazy for riding a bike through NYC traffic, but I say that’s my call.

That dickbag forcing his way in after the part where the highway engineers had lines painted on the road that said “don’t merge here, asshole” causes a ripple back through the line that causes me to be late to work an hour after he did it, because people had to brake for him to fit in and the chain reaction has begun.

Don’t compare this to a zipper merge. This is NOT a zipper merge. At all.

Good. Seriously fuck this guy and everybody like him. They actually slow traffic down because everybody needs to brake to let them in.

Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?

“A couple of times I hit a guy with that Stunner, they pissed their trunks. A couple of them even crapped themselves. Hell, one time I hit the stunner and it lead to her calling the cops and our eventual divorce”

From the California DMV Handbook:

You signal and wait - if the car in the next lane doesn’t let you in because they have a tiny winky you don’t just force your way in.

Best comment right here. It is the same thing as traffic backed in a left turn lane at a stoplight then someone goes to the front of the line and turns their blinker on. There is absolutely no obligation to let that asshole in just because his blinker is in.

The SUV cut off the white car and then forced his way in front of the cop, and was inches off the cops front bumper when he did so. Does he deserve a ticket? Debatable, but a reminder that having your turn signal on doesn’t give you the right of way.

Just because you turn your blinker on, doesn’t mean you can go where ever you want. You still have to wait for there to be room to merge. If you don’t see anything wrong with what he did, you should go back to drivers ed and stay off the road in the meantime.

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

This is overblown. He’s got a lot to learn but he’ll have AIDS.

to quote many and internet commenter, is this really the hill you want to die on? Defending a fuck face who pushed an old lady out of his way?