
Okay, so they’re going to remake it which is pointless since the first one is perfect and everybody’s seen it so they know the ending, or two, they’re going to change the ending and fuck it up.

Only after they scrub down the ecological disaster of human fluids and lead based paint.

Artificial reefs.

I’ve been on three cruises and enjoyed them, but the industry really needs to clean up its act. Starting with eliminating the use of heavy fuel oil and the dumping of trash and sewage at sea. 

“... there are buku blubber butts with enough cash...”

I definitely think it’s one tourist industry we can let die. That and hiking Mt. Everest. You wanna talk about polluting and defacing one of the wonders of the world?... Everest trekkers are some of the worst.

Most people I know that are “cruisers” (their term, not mine) all share one common trait: they are incredibly boring fucking people. These are the same folks that have opinions on which Chili’s is better in their suburb.

So maybe if this industry dies, these people will be slightly less boring. Aside from the awful

Making money with little risk, being the middle man to connect two parties....It’s really a good business model.

Just joining to say that: Fuck cruise ships they are boring overpriced borefests with bad booze and over expensive clothing and souvenirs. Been there done that. Even the food sucks.

These banks are morons... nothing new, I know...”

A million times this. They registered in random island nations to avoid paying taxes and so they could pay their workers next to nothing. Fuck em. Hope they all go belly up. 

Let them register their ships stateside and pay taxes and then we’ll look into giving them assistance in a year or two.

No article on cruise lines is complete without mentioning how much they pollute, and how often they get caught dumping trash at sea.

I’m actually genuinely shocked that it’s taken this long for these kinds of stories to arise.

Newsmax is almost as bad, and with the added *bonus* of actually HAVING Bill O’Reilly on air.

Media Studies students would put a gun on their mouths after 5 minutes of watching OANN.

Sometimes people who have been dealt a really bad hand in life seek comfort in church. Here’s an example of a group of people in American territory who have been dealt a pretty bad hand by, uh, America.

To be fair, virtual snake handling is hard. 

This is what most of the big, organized Christian groups are doing (the ELCA, the Episcopal Church, American Baptist Churches USA, the National Baptist Convention, Presbyterian Church USA, etc.). Numerous state-level Episcopalian bishops flat-out ended in-person worship in the last couple weeks of March.

A member of my local assembly called me on the phone to check to see how I was doing. He let me know all in-person gatherings were cancelled, but made sure I knew how to access online services via Zoom ect. The main website has links to CDC guidelines. THIS is how you  treat people when you really care about them.