Is this the same animation group that worked on Bojack?
Is this the same animation group that worked on Bojack?
Definitely give it some time, but I think that that link may help you. Especially the card where you pay your limit up front (which sucks), but is refunded to you when they move you into the regular tier of credit. As long as you pay off your balance in full for 6-8 months. That’s virtually a no risk scenario for the…
I hate to make any suggestions because I’m afraid that you might have tried them all. But I also didn’t have any credit cards during college, I waited until I had my “first job”. The first card I had was called a student card, very small limit. I would bank shop honestly, looking for those specific ones. Here’s a good…
They won’t even give you a card with like a $300 limit? Sorry Von Clyderdale :(
I haven’t smoked a cigarette in 8 years, but if I ran into Natasha Lyonne I would absolutely be bumming one.
I have watched all of these movies. Multiple times. I have exercised suspension of disbelief on several occasions. The time travel in this movie is just a big wet fart as far as I’m concerned. Unless they’re going the comic routes and have created a zillion alternate timelines.
I was just going to say, he is actually happy to be there because he’s terrible.
Because Baylor.
I actually think I saw both of them alive at the end!
Honestly, any of the scenes involving Tormund seem that way to me. Gwendoline Christi is an actual goddess, but she pulls off the best awkward stare every time they’re together. Like she’s genuinely alarmed to be so close to him.
I think it was DEFINITELY a come on. Tormund seems to have a thing for powerful/large women.
He’s just the best. In this shit world, he’s been an absolute shining star.
I knowww, he isn’t even jealous! He just wants to be with her no matter what.
Oh you’re welcome, wish I could take credit for it! The internet is pretty good about producing GOT .gifs pretty quickly.
I’m getting chills just thinking about their future shame from posting this nonsense. And at least when I was a dumb 15 year old, though never quite this dumb, I didn’t have a YouTube channel with over a million followers. I still have awkward anxiety dreams about “that thing I said to that person one time in 8th grade…