
Awww that’s such a sweet awkward story!! I now know I had DEEP social anxiety, and I was that person who would just pipe in with the most random unasked-for observations. OK RANDO!

I couldn’t either! I looked them up after I started watching, and I nearly had a heart attack! And they pull it off, just, perfectly.

I absolutely love 10 Things, but I’d like to take this moment to shower Pen15 with adoration. I’ve never felt so personally connected to characters in their adolescence. I lit-rally was Anna growing up, down to playing the french horn and singing choir solos while the song plays in your head every time *that* boy who

Seriously! If I wasn’t allergic to cats, I would definitely be doing that.

Moms have it so tough out there. Can’t even make a post about muffins without people flying into a rage. Bless. And people keep asking me when I’m going to start having them.

Mmmmm and they have my favorite fast food burger right now, the mushroom swiss. I only let myself have one or two when they come around because it’s a double patty and I don’t want a heart attack at 45, but it is so delicious.


“They told us, ‘This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing,’” said one of the two teachers, both of whom asked IndyStar not to be identified out of concern for their jobs. “They shot all of us across our backs. I was hit four times.

Seriously. Also, it took me all of five seconds to see how much people love shitting all over Emilia Clarke anyway, I can’t imagine what it’s like dealing with that and releasing this sort of news. You do you girl. 

Seriously! She’s one of the show’s biggest antagonists. So many things wrong with this post. 

Speaking as a book reader and show watcher, I respectfully disagree. Martin is an excellent writer, but Stephen King could teach him a thing or two about editing. I think the show has done a fine job trimming away perfectly unnecessary plot points and characters (*cough* fake dragon *cough*), and at this point, it’s


If you want some really excellent (and by excellent I mean horrifyingly realistic) flashbacks of middle school, I suggest watching Pen15 on Hulu. Those ladies are doing good work reminding us how awkward and terrible (and hilarious) everything was.

You’re playing all wrong Gita. Pick people you don’t really like, and be brutally honest with their characters.

SUPER hideous. I was literally there with a friend and her daughter who is 11, and I was like “Hey! This is what I wore at your age except it looked terrible then, and would now!”

Will Urban also sell something other than what Old Navy was trying to sell me in 1998, including “one size fits all” shirts? These boobs.. are not made for that.

Agreed with everything. Also, I probably WOULDN’T know that I was 6 weeks along. I have an IUD now, but part of the reason I do is that my period was so intense and so irregular, I may not even notice that I’m pregnant for that amount of time. Also, I live in Texas, so I gotta keep that uterus on LOCK, even though I’m

Oh I’ll singe my fingertips a bit making tortillas or pita, no avoiding that. But a pan with hot bacon grease, that’s a whole different level. The violin does help to explain that, like dancers’ feet I’m sure.

You take a wipe of bacon grease from the pan? Are you a masochist?

I also feel particularly bad, because she not only ate a piece of food that was too hot, she apparently wolfed it down so quickly, it would have put my dog to shame, and didn’t notice it burning until it lodged in her throat.