
Yet here you are on a website devoted almost entirely to vehicles whose primary function is entertainment, not transport.

I’ve got a 2013 Accord Euro Tourer (2.4, non R) here in NZ. It’s handsome but the ride is, I think, unacceptable for what it is. I bought it sight unseen last year after enjoying a ride in a sedan Accord the dealer said was identical (it was transferred from a dealer on the North Island).

I know a guy who has over 420,000km on his 126. Multiple engines and transmissions of course. It’s too rusty to be safe (lol) but he can’t bring himself to call someone to tow it away.

When I was growing up my dad subscribed to a very wide range of car magazines - Car and Driver, Road & Track, PV4 (Pickup, Van, and 4WD), etc. I stumbled across the Subaru BRAT and suddenly it was the subject of every drawing I did. When I was 15 a buddy stopped by with his parents’ BRAT and suggested we go out

I’ve heard that, but why?

Yup, stance looks just as dumb on old veewees as it does on the Euros.

Scads of them here in NZ. The appeal here is you can buy a crappy one for a few grand, throw a grand of secondhand tuner parts on them, and make 400hp for two weeks until wrapping it around a power pole. They’re like the bogan Camaro. Nice ones are very hard to find as they all get trashed, or taken care of until

They need to be recalled for muffler failures dammit.

The interiors though. I had a 77 wagon in VT in the late 90s. The sheet metal was in remarkably good condition (it was a western car) but the interior plastics, oy vey. 911s and Rangies make good potential for high end restoration because they were made out of really good stuff to start with, but climb inside an old

They’re having a rail bad time, let me tell you.

No shame in that, my ‘94 was one of the best cars I ever owned.

Nice to see Honda has raised their game with in - car electronics. My 2013 Euro Tourer is a nice car but the sat-nav is Commodore 64 level, and I swear the rear suspension is from a 70s live axle truck. Handsome though.

Hands down, unquestionably a USPS LLV. All the misery of a rwd pickup but with a narrowed front track so in between the times when you are trying to plow four holes in the snow, the front tires are finding an existing track and the front end hunts from side to side. Diabolical.

Aka why automatic wipers are evil. Are you going to remember to turn them off automatic when it’s cold out? I doubt it. Shortly after getting my first car with auto wipers I was pouring warm water on the windscreen to hurry the defrost thing along. Auto wipers sensed the water and immediately pushed most of it back

Is it just me or is the embedded Vimeo always shite? Jittery, buffering, I had to stop watching I was so frustrated. The embedded YouTube video further down in the discussion plays fine.

Sadly not available on mobile. Love it on my desktop though!

Stageas are fairly common here in New Zealand. The difference between them and Skylines is that Stageas are *sometimes* driven by nitwits instead of always, as is the case with Skylines. They can be incredibly loud with straight exhaust.

I’d love to have Harris as one of my beer buddies. Hell, I’d settle for brother in law.

Those wheel openings = bad touching.

@4:14 - how many times have we started torquing the heads on before realizing we’ve forgotten the air deflectors?