
there's basically no chance that the bill will pass the GOP-controlled House — however, that doesn't mean it's not significant. It serves the valuable purpose of asking Republicans to explain the disingenuous, unsupported reasoning behind the scores of excessive regulations they've imposed in the past few years


Health care is interstate commerce, as anyone who's ever driven from New Jersey to New York to get medical treatment could tell you.

Why is the torso so big and the dress so small?

I'm confused by the other two figures. So... the one on the left is for kilt wearers while the one on the right is for people in jeans? That seems a stupid way to determine restroom allocation.

"They're better people than us," says Brian Kilmeade. So are things growing on the underside of bridges.

Oh please, like Fox News allows their women to have any hair below their eyelashes.

It's a great name for a gynecologist/magician.

See, that's why "douchenozzle" is the perfect epithet for him. Douches are pretty bad for you, and you should never have them near your lady parts.

"Have I told you the one about my penis? Oh, never mind, it's too long,"

Then, about a year ago, another commenter (who is also white) pointed something out that I hadn't considered: saying the n-word is the one thing in the world white people are specifically told we're not allowed to do, and we're really, really, REALLY bad about being told we can't do something (since we live in a

I think its important for the reasons that Eileengency said. The same physical response explanations are used to exonerate rapists when the victim has an involuntary sexual reaction. I definitely think this guy is a criminal and an overall shitstain of a person for going through with it, and that in this case he was

I wondered this same thing and I feel so much less weird about it now that you mentioned doing it too. How can a man get turned on thinking "hell yeah, gonna ruin this girl's life by raping her just like someone raped my wife!" They must truly see the women as property if he can't recognize the agony of either his own

One that I make because I've seen and heard it said "Oh, he couldn't have raped that woman she's not even attractive." or "He raped a 90 year old woman/5 year old child? How did he even get it up?"

Erections are not always indicative of sexual desire. Adrenaline can cause an erection. In a healthy male, just about anything can spark an erection. A man may merely need to manipulate his flaccid penis for a few moments to get it erect. It doesn't take much. Perfomance in this case only requires the rapist to be

Also, oh god I hate even talking about this, how are the men who are 'instructed' to do this um, able to "perform"? There is a very young girl in front of you screaming and scared as fuck and you're getting an erection? I wonder if most 'sex' in this rural village are variations on marital rape - otherwise why would

As always, when you want to punish a woman you... well, murder or rape her. And when you want to punish a man you... also murder or rape a woman.

"I would like to report this employee who saved me from maiming myself."

my sister used to work at this ride. She told me that a woman dropped her wallet over the side of the boat and when she reached for it my sister basically screamed not to because the water is full of gears. The screaming alone is a big Disney no no because it ruins the magic. The woman then asked my sister to retrieve