
Question for everyone... I was looking a laptops for my kid. She mostly plays Sims4. Is that HP Laptop more than adequate for that type of gaming? Thanks!

Question for everyone... I was looking a laptops for my kid. She mostly plays Sims4. Is that HP Laptop more than

Funny you mention The Witcher 3. That’s a game where I don’t have a lot of time to play it, so it sits on the sideline for a while. When I get back to it, I can’t remember what button does what. I actually started a fresh game solely for the purpose of replaying the combat tutorial. I’ll probably have to do it again...

Good point on Switch Online. I’ve actually forgotten about that. Been no mention since the first announcement.

I’m the sys admin at the school district I work in. This is just one of the many reasons we block the students from connecting their phones to the wifi.

Yeah, there is no sharing this thing.

Yeah, there is no sharing this thing.

I have a big backlog of games, but I’m trying to decide between The Witcher 3, Tomb Raider, and The Last of Us...

This is what I’m reminded of. Came out late 70's/ early 80's? Played this when I was little.

My Dad used to eat them in his 40's. Had to soak them in milk for at least 10 min so they didn’t crack his teeth! hahaha

That sucks. I can find them at Walmart consistently.