
What's with you always posting these reviews so late? Don't you get a screener copy of this earlier in the week?

Praline-Next we have number four, "Double Crisp Coal"
Milton-Ah, yes.
Praline-Am I right in thinking there are bugs in here?
Milton-Yes.  Little ones.
Praline-What sort of bugs?
Milton-Live bugs.
Praline-Are they cooked?
Praline-What, raw, live bugs?
Milton-We use only the finest bugs, dew-picked and flown from

Thank you, dumbass 15 year old who calls people trolls ON THE INTERNET OF ALL PLACES, but I'm not a troll. I'm just a man who, when he sees something that is stupid, or gay, or stupid and gay he isn't afraid to tell people that those things are stupid and gay, that's what separates people like me from people like you.

Pretty much all of this music is slow and boring, it's just some asshole playing droning guitar chords that ring for fucking ever and a weak ass electronic drum beat while some gay lead singer goes "'oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" like some gay ghost being boring and depressed.

Judging from this list I'd say it was a shitty year for music in general.

I though this was gonna be about Zombieland.

Hey best friends, did you hear? Budweiser got a new can!!!

^ PC thug

"I like that character that Jimmy Fallon does on his show: obsequious talkshow host."—Andy Kindler

I watch 15 hours of TV a day. I've never heard of this show or the channel it's on. Am I not watching enough TV?

Or, they practice a type of comedy that openly mocks an audience that is either too stoned to get it or, for some reason, thinks it's in on the joke. I feel bad for Tim & Eric fans because they don't seem to realize that they actually are the joke.

NO!! One thing! ONE! you can't be a rapper and an actor. JUST PICK ONE!  YOU have to PICK ONE!!!!!     AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'M SO ANGRY!!!!!!

Are you sure they're anti comedy? I thought they just weren't funny.

I noticed surprisingly little Chinee for a show about railroads.

Appropriately, because that's the last time either one of them was relevant.

HEE HEE! Bubbles! Where Macaulay? HEE HEE! Sh' amon!

Don't steal my thunder a-hole.

You know, I've often been referred to as the Hannibal Lecter…of pussy.

I'm thinking of sticking some things in my ass, maybe some ugly actors and some bad computer imaging. Any suggestions?

This is the first I've heard of Playboy showing vaginas. -you're welcome