
LOL, I once had a doctor look at my chart, mutter “for fuck’s sake” then start telling me he was required by the practice to tell me to lose weight because I was ONE POUND over a “healthy BMI” for my height. He then said the doctor version of “but fuck that, because come on. You’re not gonna die from one extra pound.”

Diets don’t work because people don’t adhere to them, simple as that.

Don’t tell her. I got promoted right before I adopted a newborn, and I know things would be different if I’d had the baby before the promotion. You owe her nothing. Get yours.

The working class, too. Good luck, America, operating with just a few super rich people and massive underclass.

Our society’s official and unofficial policies are breeding out the middle class. This will eventually bite us in the ass.

putting it out there but right here in your article it sounds like she tried to change the terms “after” the job offer etc. :

Or maybe she was happier working, and the kids were happy in childcare, and it worked for them. That’s as valid a reason as anything else.


Uh . . . by your “equation,” white women who have been assaulted by powerful men would be victims of racism. And, quite frankly, it’s NOT that simple. It never is.

You know just because you feel that way, doesnt make it true right? Thats ridiculous lol.

While I think this is a mistake, I am also going to take a little solace in the chance that it never occurred to these people that a little black boy and the phrase monkey have anything to do with each other. I see that as a future I’m looking forward to. It’s like when you see the video of the little white and black

But that’s exactly like calling. Why should I have to stop what I’m doing and talk to you at that precise moment? And as an introvert, there are many people with whom I do not want to talk at all without gearing myself up to it.

I get phone anxiety and texting allows me to stay in touch—and even have quite deep and meaningful conversations—with folks when I’m not with them. It also allows me to check in with loved ones who are having a bad day when I’m unable to phone them (say, at work). Somehow, despite my texting, I manage to have both

Ok. I’ve been a parent for a decade (single for the past few years) and have one very special needs kiddo. Of course it will be difficult at times. There will be times you lock yourself in the bathroom and cry or take a hit or scream into a towel because you need to. But this “woe is me. I don’t know how to control my

So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?

I would gladly pay more.

You think women wearing hijabs, niqabs, etc. don’t get sexually harassed and assaulted? How cute.

There is . . . a lot . . . wrong with this comment.

MD, I adore you and gobble up your UK updates like limited-edition M&Ms, but Rihanna’s altruistic by offering makeup for women of color and Kylie’s not? L-O-L. They’re both shrewd beauty brands looking to make a shitload of money. Fenty Beauty is just shrewder.

I literally registered to say that as a black woman who is darker than the author, I like the story but I’m not really sure that I understand the ‘framing”device and what it’s meant to reveal. I read it that the author went to a Sephora and was overwhelmed by the choice of foundation but wasn’t sure which to buy. She