
I honestly don’t think it’s a tough one. Best case scenario is he lives but never has a life. These parents are selfish as fuck.

I agree — this ad should be blasted everywhere as a succinct and accurate synopsis of how the Republican Party views non-Republicans. This is it, this is the crap I’ve heard from hometown friends, family and acquaintences for years. This is the exact crap we’ve heard from the real opinion leaders on the right for

I’m just LIVID that like, the only thing the girls are focused on is having babies. What. The. Hell.

Maybe it’s time to accept that we’re just witnessing natural selection in real time and let them go down with their island?

I wish they could put this woman’s tears into a soft drink for me to enjoy.

Exactly right.

This feels about right to me. More than anything, Rory seems to want things to be easy for her. That wasn’t always true of her — she definitely dealt with adversity by working hard in the early years of the series. But the more comfortable she got with privilege (her grandparents’ money, the cache of a Yale education,