
It’s one guy making the game in his spare time away from work and family. It’s actually really fucking impressive that they present as well as they do.

That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?

Seriously, I never thought I could be this disappointed at the announcement of a new Zelda and Metroid for the 3DS.

MS Just went in and dropped the Mic on Sony. If Sony doesn’t announce similar it’s gonna be hard to top that, don’t care what games they announce.

So a futurey Bioshock?

I never expected it to hit this year anyway. I'm glad they're delaying it though. Instead of going the route a lot of developers are going lately, and just releasing an incomplete game and slowly patching it until it works the way it was supposed to in the first place. If at all.

Bet it's the best open world game ever made and gets unanimous perfect 10s when it releases though :).

Amiibos. Amiibos everywhere. Want to open that door? Get out your small key Amiibo. Need to hit an enemy with the boomerang? Equip it with your Boomerang Amiibo. Fill your empty bottle Amiibos with potions to refill your hearts. Everything will be interacted with an Amiibo.

well I think it's suppose to look like the Luminoth.

Honest, 100% true, I said out loud "Oh, man, I can't read any more of these, I need to stop".

Man. Sending stuff like this to another human being is really not okay (unless they're an unrepentant mass murderer or something). Sadly, I'm fully expecting a lot of burner accounts to show up and defend the tweeters.

This is in the Philippines though.

Gyorg Lopez.

I want to buy these. Make this happen.

Aw. Was hoping for the Purple Man. Hopefully they have more eastereggs and cutscenes showing him off though.

Motto for 2015: "Don't Trust [Activision/Ubisoft/EA]"

If the PS4 was backwards compatible, I wouldn't even think twice about upgrading.

Out of curiosity, has anyone with Hoopa or Volcanion tried talking to the ghost girl in either game? There's GOTTA be something... (intently studying ghost girl incident since day 1)

Well shit. That's a cool guy. I'm a Mets fan. If they made the playoffs (ha) and I asked Matt Harvey the same thing he'd probably sleep with my girlfriend and shit on my front steps.

I am a cynical asshole. I could say, like some other posters here, that it's everyone else's behavior that warrants me being a cynical asshole, but then I/they would only be about 75% correct. Yes, there are jerks out and about trying to make life difficult for other people, but I can't totally blame everyone else for