So say that if that’s what you meant.
So say that if that’s what you meant.
“Hey guys, just do crime, okay?”
I think Jason/Kirk/Maddy’s comments on last week’s Splitscreen touched on this pretty well. They had a lot to say, but one of the things that stuck with me is that it is just such a taboo thing that nobody ever even thinks to look for it. Like, of course it caught them off guard because why would anybody ever…
I cannot recommend this comment enough. I did exactly the same thing after about 100 hours of playing. Decided I had had my fill and B-lined it to Hyrule Castle.
it’s also ballsy as hell for nintendo to just give players the end game up front but still trust that their game design and game world would be interesting enough to spend hundreds of hours in — which it is.
No amount of “open-worldness” will ever be able to compete with a well- and DELIBERATELY-constructed, FOCUSED world in which a very specific series of events is designed to take place. To me, “open-worldness” always comes across as just a lazy cop-out to avoid having to do any real world building. BotW avoids this…
Don’t remember exactly which, but you spin Cappy on one of the vegetable stems near the power line that leads to the tower.
And you can only see 25% of the screen and every girl is an anime character. Also chinpokamon whisper into your ear about 2 minutes about antisemitic shit.
> won’t that really only end up punishing the black players?
Is this the first character creator where your avatar can identify as trans?
Jew was actually a class on the past game, the equivalent to wizard on a regular RPG, but I wouldn’t say it’s hate, since the only sane guy on the town, Kyle, is one.
Keep telling yourself that.
Lol, sure they are.
Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.
That’s a fucking bold move.
I’ve been to Iceland AND Wyoming.
Yeah but Dick Cheney has never lived in Iceland, so that’s HUGE factor in choosing it over Wyoming.
Played the game last year with some friend (someone who had backed the Kickstarter and had just received his copy), and it was a lot of fun.