
Exhibit A:

It’s interesting because when the first movie came out Mrs Incredible’s body type was NOT idolized but now....😳

244 isn’t enough stars for this post.

Yup. And that was in 2008 so who knows how much work she’d already had done by then.🧐

because you know... 🎶I’ll be therrrrre🎶

This is my favorite reply to the original (not on Al Jazeera) tweet:

(it’s a shame this show was cancelled.)

I don’t think Vanessa’s point was that it’s an interracial relationship. I think the point is you saying “for the sake of a fat ass” when, as a white woman she was naturally endowed with close to none and her current fat ass is LITERALLY fake:

I sent this to Yesha earlier today but I’m posting it again here because it’s too fucking funny “Nothing Whiter than welfare fraud”

off topic, but have y’all seen this brand new deliciousness, Yesha? 😂

Now playing

ok, I just need to post this skit here for anyone who didn’t see it as The Donald is absolutely hilarious in it:

It may not be your cup of tea, but I absolutely loved her in American Horror Story: Coven as Marie Laveau (it’s brutal show, but also very (intentionally) funny and her character has some of the best lines)

ah, yes, the classic “We’re arresting you for resisting arrest” circular logic that only seems to rear its wack-ass head when non-white citizens are involved.

It was an evil tub of margarine some poor lady’s eyes were assaulted with upon opening. If it was me, I’d demand a year’s supply from the company in recompense😂

(because, you know, offending just one group of systemically oppressed people isn’t enough, gotta get the original genocide victims in there too - for comedy’s sake, of course)

Yeah, the original guy up there saying “straight white male” is equivalent to the n-word? He uses the real n-word. In its entirety. Because it’s “funny”

Not only that but she’s literally following HIM while filming and yelling “guuuun!” - if you were really afraid for your life, you wouldn’t be fucking following the car on foot.

(btw - did you see they’re finally planning a sequel?)

His face even silent is eww!