
I dont see many xbox users (like myself) actually mad about the RRoD. I've gotten it 4 times and and each time microsoft has sent me a new console within a week, to me, thats saying the know they messed up and they will pay out fully for it, works for me. If you get that mad over not having a console for a week, you

Thats not how making a console is done. Almost all of the parts aren't MS made, and even if you say that "Oh, but they put all the parts together" thats true, but I bet their tests were pretty good but when I've gotten the RRoD, It was after incredibly long gaming sessions over and over again and heat paste takes time

Nope, it has its own power supply and fairly good ventilation, I think I'm just unlucky lol

Gotta agree, I didn't think it was too bad at all

If they are doing something right, then I am definitely doing something wrong. I've had to send in my 360 six times since launch and that's with an extra fan on the back. So far though I'm on 2 years with out a RRoD, so new record for me! :D

I've had the preview for a wile, and for lack of having a second pc I've had to use it for everything and I think it works fine. Games and everything work fine on it and I never have any problems running anything (except skype for some weird reason, but its the only one) It feels just like Windows 7 only with the

Its possible it could be real, but if he really wanted to stay anonymous he wouldn't have said he was resigning in two weeks. That seems like it would make it pretty easy for the higher-ups to find out who is posting them and fire him immediately.

It isn't that he isn't speaking with an "American" accent, but that he is missing key words like the verb "is". Unfortunately Japanese differs from English greatly in how they conjugate verbs and makes it a hard transition.

According to the guy I spoke with at GameStop, there was an issue when they were stamping the discs and so they didn't make as many as they were supposed to. Which I think is why the other places stopped allowing preorders. So although it was probably partly Bestbuy's fault, it was more of an issues with the

Gamer tag: Black Night1313

The 360 version looked like it was recorded with a much worse system, the comparison isn't really fair.

If people think that her body represents unrealistic standards, then they need to look at Chris Redfield first. He's gigantic...

The master chief was always going to be a girl until the books came out and made it just some generic john 117

I will never be able to look like Duke Nukem does, and my girlfriend will never look like the woman in the picture, but I understand that. And really, most of the gamer population is still men, so most games tend to lean towards their likes. And I can never think of a time when I was gaming with a girl and she said

I personally don't think movies age that well. Its impossible to get myself to sit through really any old black and white movies besides one that i like just because i watched them when I was a kid or something. So for me there are very old movies that I think compare with today's standards.

I think WAR did a lot of things right, never understood why it didn't contend with WoW like everyone was expecting. But i always haven't played it in over 6 months, so it might still be doing well.

Yeah, I played CoD4 on it and it worked pretty well, but its definitely still easier with them on opposite sides.

To me, the major flaw is the same as it was with the PSP. The d-pad and analog stick are on the same side, which really just means you'll never be able to play an FPS effectively on it. On a DS I doubt many will care, but I know on the PSP, it was annoying for me to not be able to move the camera and my character at

Dang, that just looks beautiful...