
Actually the switchblade could well be used the way it was. It is just an inconvenient way to use it. You have to change your grip after opening it. This is why I think the kid did it. If we assume that anyone carrying a switchblade in such a tough neighborhood knows how to use a switchblade then the angle of the

Actually the switchblade could well be used the way it was. It is just an inconvenient way to use it. You have to change your grip after opening it. This is why I think the kid did it. If we assume that anyone carrying a switchblade in such a tough neighborhood knows how to use a switchblade then the angle of the

Let us pause for a moment and remember the scene where the odd couple of Juror 8 and Juror 5 are reenacting the stabbing. Yes the knife was used in a way that suggests that the killer was not familiar with a switchblade. But that isn't the only possibility. Let us assume that in such a violent neighborhood anyone

Let us pause for a moment and remember the scene where the odd couple of Juror 8 and Juror 5 are reenacting the stabbing. Yes the knife was used in a way that suggests that the killer was not familiar with a switchblade. But that isn't the only possibility. Let us assume that in such a violent neighborhood anyone

Other than refering to himself jokingly as a Kyke what evidence do you have that Milo is a self hating Jew? He freely embraces his Jewish heritage even if he choses to practice his fathers religion.

So would identifying as a catholic save a man born to a Jewish mother from the gas chamber?