
You know what Kelly? I wish I had taken MORE painkillers when I was pregnant. I was angry all the damn time because people kept calling me stupid ("pregnancy brain teehee!") and strangers wanted to rub my belly and no one would let me carry fucking anything for myself it was terrible. Painkillers would have

Remember: If they don't want to go out with you, they're lesbians.

Hi, just breezing through here. Didn't read the article but wanted to comment on the picture. That woman would be so much prettier if she just smiled. Anyway, I'm heading to the gym now to hit on the women while they're trying to work out. I think I'm going to ask the hot blonde I have a crush on to smile for me

For the record, I was the only Jezebel staffer who watched the entire 5SOS video looking like this:

We are not people. We're defective men, silly.

Uh... do you have anything to back that up? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that's not true.

My friend and I were discussing that this morning; our first thought was "thank God the kid didn't have a gun."

Sounds like someone didn't actually read the blog post....

Oh, thank Gawd, the suspense of "When will the MRAs arrive ?" was killing me.


Do you post an MRA sound bite on every MP article?

Citation please.

Wow, and I thought I was bad at math.

There was none, dumbass. SSoldiers are not allowed to have weapons on base outside the training areas. Additionally, soldiers who live in the barracks are not allowed personal firearms. Finally, concealed carry and open carry permits are not valid on base. No one can carry unless they are a police officer or are

Not only rapey, but also very serial killer-y. Shudder.

I disagree completely. There is nothing identifiable about the child in this picture and I wouldn't put it here if there was, trust me. But showing this photo adds a very powerful visual element to this story that hammers home the severity of the situation that words just would not be able to do. I say that as someone

hard time getting people to enlist? Nope. Economy still sucks, and the war's winding down.

Keeping a black female's hair at 2 inches short at the top would be actually quite cumbersome. And the idea that it's either resort to wigs, high maintenance/cost hairstyles or "shave your head" for women with hair like that is INSANE. A white woman can wear a ponytail (something most black women cannot do without

One of my friends in the Navy already has a hell of a time with hair, and says that it's a constant problem for many of the other women of color on her ship. Some girls just end up wearing wigs in uniform (off-topic - a caucasian girl in my husband's command was going through chemotherapy, which was making her hair