
Jesus, if that isn't the heartbreaking face of poverty, I don't know what is.

These criticisms are absolutely on point. You only deserve to not be a poor if you are an absolutely perfect human being morally & physically. Anything less, and well, look what it gets you. She just needs to learn to be perfect, you know, like all rich people.

Wow.. I so see my mother in this woman. She worked hard all her life in a an Auto factory. Divorced, with three kids, and a less-than-responsible ex-husband. But mom made it work. She worked hard her life, just like this woman. I find it amusing that most people criticizing her (and women like her) wouldn't last a day

I see a similar phenomenon when discussing criminal justice issues. The most compelling stories are those involving people with very traditionally sympathetic optics because you need that out front to get people to actually listen to the social commentary aspect of the story. Having to explain away "bad facts" is

That's the kicker for me. This is a movie. Movies are edited. Scenes shot in a linear narrative order are rearranged to present a story that's different from reality- typically one that's more interesting and meaningful.

This was my mom. White, married to her husband (not my dad) when she gotten pregnant, and when he left her with three kids. He never paid a lick of child support and never even worked long enough in his life to qualify for social security. She not only managed to get a bachelors degree in her 50's, but became a civil

If anyone deserves some pampering it is this woman. But $87 for a haircut when you can't afford a prescription is not fiscally responsible so it doesn't really sit well with me that someone would spend that much on a hair cut in that situation.

Working 16 hour shifts.... all week.....for days on end

Christ. I don't have any words for this and certainly can't craft a "highlight-worthy" comment, but feel compelled to say that my thoughts are with this woman and her loved ones. This is absolutely gut-wrenching.

Please post follow up articles when heads start rolling because of this (I know heads won't roll, but allow me my fantasies...) I think I need to go watch the singing nun for the millionth time because now I'm really depressed.

And if women *do* talk about cooking/fashion/parenting/etc, it's considered 'gossip' while if men talk about sports, that's considered 'important'. WTF?

If a bunch of white guys were complaining about Indians playing DND and saying it was a game for white people only, Indians aren't good at it and therefore Indian men shouldn't butt in, you'd call that racist right? You'd be offended that your skill level was perceived as non-existent based on your ethnicity wouldn't

If you have a problem with people bringing outsiders to your game, make a rule: NO OUTSIDERS IN THE GAME. Fixed it for ya.

You know, ADDRESS problems instead of just being a bitter little whiner about it.

First off, you don't get to join a women's-only gym 'just because'. There are a lot of reasons that safe spaces for women to work out have become a 'thing' and as a South-East Asian guy, you might possibly be aware that there are women outside the cadre of co-ed-type society who might just want to get fit in a modest

OK, it sounds like your frustration is that you feel that these girlfriends are disrupting the dynamic of your group, right? So, ignoring the misogyny of your insinuation that all girls are whiny nerd wannabes, would you say that girls aren't allowed to play D&D, or that you don't want your friends bringing over

You're kind of all over the place, but I'll just single out the girlfriend at the gaming session paragraph. My wife was "that" girl 3 years ago and not only is she now a GM, but has been a regional gaming coordinator and taught GMing classes at Gencon. Girls are just people and you never know what they might end up

And for your information, I'm an Indian from South Asia and not a white dude. We have no white people in our group, its 3 Arabs, 1 African American, and 1 Turkish guy.

Temporarily ignoring how stupid it is to gender interests and activities in the first place... I wasn't aware liking music was a "dude thing". Sports, yes. Computers, yes. Music? Since when?

Right? This line right here: