
This article mainly made me wish we didn't build sex up into this huge monumental THING. I wish we could treat it more like, I don't know, skiing. There are some risks you need to be aware of, some people start when they're young, other people don't try it until they're older, and there's nothing wrong with you if you

Not to be a kiss ass here in Jezdom, but I have never seen a person "work through the pain" like women. NEVA.

Another day, another entitled misogynist dude kills women. This is what men who hate women look like. I really love (hate) how people accuse me of hating men because I want to stay far away from them, but then shit like this goes down daily and we hear "but I don't hate women" from perps like this.

In my opinion, it is always the people who advertise their faith who are the worst.

Once, I was at Mass, and they took up a second collection for some convent or something. And I heard SEVERAL people around me, who generously threw cash in the basket, say, "well, there goes the waitress' tip at breakfast. She won't mind, it was for a good cause."

I waited tables intermittently in high school and college. The Sunday church crowd is the absolute worst. I always believed their tips were so poor because they had just been guilted into tithing to the church, not that it makes it any more excusable.

"This is an anomaly. This is not what our police officers do"

This is a patently false statement.

Surely, no true Scotsman would do such a thing.

The rape was reported on Oct. 31. Results of the rape kit came back on Feb. 10

Poor comparison. All of your examples are human-specific aside from "adult," which is still assumed to be human unless qualified. If someone says they're "adopting a child" you don't ask if it's a puppy or a kitten.

So the perfect woman is actually someone who just lets herself look haggard, orders out every night, forces you to make babies with her and freaks out at everyone and anything? Because if you're upset that someone is NOT doing those thing then clearly you must want those thing.

"Not a single woman isn't guilty of this?" Really? I'm almost always ready to go before my husband is, and if I say I'll be five minutes, I'll be five minutes. I even wear makeup occasionally, but I've gotten my day face down to a science.

This kind of stuff reminds me of one my favorite poems by Pablo Neruda. Ah writing as art.

Not a single PERSON isn't guilty of this. It isn't a gendered thing.

Men who believe this kind of shit don't want the ideal, they want women to be constantly chasing after it.

Using "females" in the hashtag is the first clue this isn't going to go well. I have found that, in general, if someone refers to women as "females", they are about to unload a stream of misogynistic BS.

They don't want to admit the real lies we tell them:

You're so good in bed#liestoldbyfemales

Of course you're not small#liestoldbyfemales

I don't mind doing the dishes again, really #liestoldbyfemales

I'd like to also add, please do not assume that someone else will call the police or already has.

Social worker PSA: