
Right? I've never listened to Lily Allen, but man... she's dumb. For some reason it bothers me that famous and wealthy folks can't be arsed to think critically.

What's the man version of feminism?

Oh good. I'm glad you've now made breastfeeding about you, too, dudes.

These pictures should be of a dude delivering a tall glass of ice water and rubbing the feet of his nursing partner. That is actually, you know, helpful.

Yes please, someone make that!

Hahahahaha all it needs is MISANDRY in big sarcastic flashing letters.

They 100% did not tip at the Olive Garden in Mishawaka, Indiana. Or I'd get like a buck.

This is my question: does the rescue even have the right to, essentially, sell another person's dog? When the owner has come forward? As you said, it's a purebred of an uncommon breed, so it seems very likely the original owners paid a fair amount for her. How is it legal for a rescue to not give that person their dog

Hi ladies, thanks for stopping by!

My home births were, by far, healthier and more calm than any hospital could have provided. The midwife I used, who owns a local birthing center, has rights at two hospitals. She also works with an on/gyn for women with complications, having multiples or wanting a vbac (all which must be delivered in a hospital). If

I wouldn't say that. My great-grandmother probably had the means to deliver in a hospital, but she didn't probably cuz babies were normally born at home. I think people forget that the medical industry had to convince women and families to do otherwise. And while it might be safer to do it at the hospital, that

Because only women who give birth in hospitals are intelligent.

Why are home births stupid?

I don't see how having a home birth is stupid.

I know plenty of women who have had homebirths who vaccinate their children on schedule.

I think this is a specious connection. Wanting a home birth or a birth at a birthing center is not a rejection of modern medicine, unless you think the fact that the United States has far and away more unnecessary cesarean sections than any other industrialized nation is some kind of triumph of science.

Yes, thank you. Misleading title is horribly misleading.

Could you please fix the headline to say 'Female brains are better at fending off developmental brain disorders'? Because some of us are getting tired of clarifying for you the different between developmental disorders and psychological disorders.

I've always thought of it as a control issue. If women can control their on sexual health then what will the world come to?