
Yes. GSA's pro trans girl/woman policy makes the BSA's slooooow crawl towards equality especially stark.

Even outside of the money, BSA, let Disney be an example to you of how an organization who has long been accused of it's own intolerance - racism, promoting stereotypes, and antisemitism can change and evolve into something better.

Dear Disney - We, over here in the Girl Scouts, quietly doing the right thing since, like, always, would be happy to take that funding off your hands. Thanks!

Well, a woman, what if she's not hot? How could you respect her? And what if she IS hot? How could you respect her?

Does this infuriate anyone else ALSO because women live longer than men? A woman at age 69 on average has 13 years left, while a man only has 5 (source is wikipedia since it's easier to read than its original sources). I'm not wishing death on anyone, but an older woman president is more likely to make it through her

You really get the charmers. I guess the bag over the head scenario really rings in my head because I was once walking home with my ex-boyfriend when we ran across an inebriated gentleman who said "I'd put a bag over that girl's head." I slapped him in the face with a slice of pizza.


This is a good point. Debates over access to contraception are less 'women vs men' and more 'a handful of assholes vs everyone else'

Womens' most basic rights are still up for debate. Mens' are not. Nothing illustrates it more precisely than shit like this.

Jezebel, you ARE the media. You posted this story, and even if Lindy put a disclaimer saying it may be false, you still posted this and ran it as it were fact. And you and Gawker have done this before with other stories that turned out to be hoaxes. Try doing some research before you post a story that turns out to be

I think that you bring up a good point about the nature of freedom and the use of military force, but I disagree about supporting the troops propping up an anti-human rights system. The military is a tool of national policy; its an incredibly visible and powerful one, but it's subordinate to the civilian government.

I'm sure for some people this is a race/gender issue. But this is a stupid issue. I don't give a flying fuck about her gender or race, I'd be pissed if it were a white male too, and I think most people would be. But way to be the first one to point out that she is indeed a black woman, kudos.

No one is saying its the most horrible thing ever, not even close. But people are right to call out the fact that A) its disrespectful and in poor taste for ANYone to do this and B) Its ESPECIALLY short-sighted of someone who is in the military and should understand the entire meaning behind the POW/MIA symbology to

Whatever happened to that whole, "I can find more than one thing reprehensible at the same time" thing?

My family had someone as a POW that died and was never recovered (MIA), it weighs on them to this day, more than 50 yrs later... Seeing this image makes me think "you are so lucky to have lived a life where this can be a joke, i wish we could all be that carefree..." And then I get sad thinking about my grandfather,

They will allow gay scout members but bar gay adults, also they ban atheists. Its a VERY christian org, the boy scouts, so unless you find say, a Jewish troop, a Jewish kid is not going to have a very good time. (replace Jewish with Muslim kid, hindu kid, etc etc)