
I teach ballet and weightlifting. I squat for a living. I hate buying jeans. Right now I have a pair of jeggings-with-a-zipper from Uniqlo and something high-waisted-yet-chic from American Apparel that fit. To you who can wear "premium denim" or those "hard denim" jeans that you store in the freezer, I envy you.

I'm being serious.

Can you describe the distinction, then? Because to me, the situations are almost wholly analogous.*

bitch please

In a shocking twist, members of the Sochi police mistake selves for participants in a Pride demonstration and arrest and detain themselves.

Really 'thug' is now a racist word? in what part of the world? I am fairly sure that the meaning hasnt changed over in jolly old England.

First the came for "gay." Then "organic" was next to fall. Now "thug" is on the ropes... Where will it all end, this co-opting of words to fit a social agenda? Gay still means happy, all fruits and vegetables are organic, a spade is still a spade, a thug is a brute, and trying to say words are the new"nigger" is

Nice try but she's white, dude...

It's your idea to teach poor kids responsibility by expecting them to bring money they don't have for lunch every day?

When I got to "beta faggot" I thought the same thing. What a piece of shit.

It is so incredibly frightening just how many men I have come across see nothing wrong with coaxing or persuading an unwilling person into sex. The "Playing Hard to Get" narrarative is thrown upon women to justify why a woman immediately wouldn't spread her legs for the almighty peen.
No appreciation for the concept of

This asshole sounds like a MRA. Either that or a pick up artist. What other group of men uses the term "beta faggot" and encourages rape?

No. Just no. Please tell me why women need to feel guilty for having an abortion? There is no reason beyond wanting to force a certain set of ideals on women. What about the fathers? Do they have to serve the community? What about women who get abortions for medical reasons or because of incest or rape? Who gets to

I am old enough to remember girls throwing themselves down the stairs, having their boyfriends hit them in the abdomen, taking dangerous combinations of illegal drugs, and trying to sneak out of state to Washington, DC or NYC to end unwanted pregnancies. It was a terrifying time. I know more than one woman in my

I saw this on the Planned Parenthood infographic: "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy." And the fact that our consent to becoming pregnant is automatically implied because we decide to engage in sexual activity is bullshit. And when that consent is taken away and automatically assumed, and when our options of

Yes, it's called a safe, legal abortion conducted by a trained medical provider.