
amidst the SJW preachy, overly sensitive bull*** that is becoming Gawker, this is one of the best things I’ve read.

yup. That’s probably why I then wrote: You think he/she intentionally misspelled that? If so, as a guy who worshipped at the sarcasm altar of George Carlin, then it went past me.

to this day, garbanzo beans immediately make me think, “the first 5 letters spell the word garbage.”

The last few years he didn’t do his own legacy any favors veering off heavily into politics. But God, his early stuff up through the late 80s....

i think you’re giving him far too much credit. You think he/she intentionally misspelled that? If so, as a guy who worshipped at the sarcasm altar of George Carlin, then it went past me.

you should probably focus more on grammar than football for a while.

all the stars on weck, motherf****r.

so twitter gets ripped by Gawker for lack of diversity yesterday.


the neat thing is in the last 15 years or so you are literally one wikipedia click away from learning stuff. this isn’t pre internet age where ‘lernin was hard. it’s pretty darn easy for anyone, including folks who don’t live within a school field trip’s drive of a plantation, to learn. it was a generalization that

f*ck that’s vastly underrated.

Those 12 years were like one long night with Bill Cosby.

oh please. this may come as a shock to some SJWs, but it’s possible to have lived north of the mason-dixon line and know about slavery. since probably 90% of Gawker posters weren’t even born during Jim Crow or when LBJ signed the civil rights act or MLK gave his “I have a dream” speech, it’s amazing what you can learn

I went to the high school in Allentown, PA that was just on national news for a 200 student fight where 4 cops were assaulted, so I have a pretty good handle on what it’s like to be a police officer.

full disclosure. 98% of America hates Puke, the Dallas Cowboys and the Yankees. so nobody is shedding tears. Also, the guy running on the field doesn’t negate the touchdown. Your better argument is the blocks in the back.

glad i wasn’t the only one. kept thinking “there’s no way that’s unintentional.” well played!

you really don’t take people disagreeing with you well, do you? bitter Millennial, line 1.

my guess, and this is just a guess, is you’re a Millennial. I’m Gen X. how can I tell? because the fact that you don’t agree with my opinion, rather than doing what any rational person would do and just scroll on by, got you soooo worked up that the perjoratives started flying little spittle. And when I explained my

no, it’s cause he’s a fat REPUBLICAN. you’d be run out of here for fat-shaming a woman or a Democrat, but yeah, I was thinking Gawker would be past the fat-shaming thing in 2015. apparently still allowed based on your politics.

LOL. sometimes the minor league games are far more entertaining than the pros. who do I need to bl*w to get out of the greys?