Isis Uptown

Not "best", that's what I always say about the Puzzlemaster. Psalm 137, or a popular reggae song.

Call the Puzzlemaster.

Isn't it? It got me the correct answer, though.

Take that up with the Puzzlemaster, or his pal Joe Krozel. I found the answer on a list of "cities and towns":

It's kinda tricky. I looked at lists of cities, state by state. It wasn't a state I was expecting.

Poor Minnie Driver, having to say those lines in Good Will Hunting, written by boys who had apparently never spoken to women.

Next week's challenge: This week's challenge comes from listener Joe Krozel of Creve Coeur, Mo., and it might require a little research. There is a city somewhere in the United States with a population of about 24,000 people. Change the last letter in the name of its state. If you now read the name of the city plus

I aim for diversity in my quote bank. I just got the August one set up, here's a preview, albeit a quote by a white guy:

Happy Birthday! 🎊🎁🎂

Honest people don't hide their deeds. - Emily Brontë (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848)

I wasn't planning to. That band was short-lived, so not many videos. He's in some other stuff, someone's web series, but I'm not sure how to look it up.

Emily Brontë tomorrow. It's my son's birthday tomorrow, too, he'll be 33.

I guess, we were people who just dedicated to trying to get better. - Geddy Lee (b. July 29, 1953)

It's more fun to get thrown out of the Waffle House for making out in the booth.

Pickle, never a dill moment with that boy!

True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it. - Karl Popper (28 July 1902 – 17 September 1994)

"Harassment video"? Is that what we're calling them now?

When my first husband, "Rock", and I got our marriage license, the clerk was asking if either of us were married before (he was 21, I was 20, but I guess such things can happen). When I said no, he looked at me and said, totally deadpan, "I thought you were married before." Somehow, I got the clerk to understand that