Isis Uptown

Whenever Osiris replies to something I say with "That's what she said", I say "I know, I am the she who said it."

Happy Birthday, Carol Leifer (b. July 27, 1956)!
"Now there's a winning combination!"

My coworker and I are both women; does that make a difference? Her red shoes are Tom's, too.

I was going to post a clip to wish Yahoo Serious (born 27 July 1953) a happy birthday, but that would have involved posting a clip of Yahoo Serious, and I couldn't do that to y'all.

We really shouldn't be running education like a supermarket where you compare prices. - Shirley Williams (b. 27 July 1930)

25-year-old (26 in October) coworker is wearing red shoes. 53-year-old (54 the day after coworker turns 26) Isis Uptown asks "Do you know the Elvis Costello song The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes?"

Which of y'all live in areas popular with tourists? What are your feelings about tourists?

I sometimes get calls from the 225 area code (Baton Rouge), asking for Gladys, and when I tell them they have the wrong number, they start their pitch. The last few times, I've said "I've gotten this call before, and I'm not interested." However, I think next time, I will act upset and say "Gladys died last week;

The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them. – George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950)

I haven't read Vol. 2 either!
If I do, I will fill you in.

Starring super-notorious musclebound punk/metaldudes Glenn Danzig and Henry Rollins (with a little help from super-notorious soft-rockdudes Hall and Oates) Henry & Glenn Forever is a love story to end all love stories! The premise of this comic is explained in the beginning, “Henry and Glenn are very good 'friends.'

There would be no society if living together depended on understanding one another. - Eric Hoffer (July 25, 1902 – May 21, 1983)

Can't sleep, clowns will eat us.

I don't know what they have to say
It makes no difference anyway
Whatever it is, I'm against it
No matter what it is
Or who commenced it
I'm against it

Circa 1988: A man dumped his live-in girlfriend by telling her that he was off on a business trip and expected her to have cleared out of the house by the time he returned.

Hey, @MisterSplendiferous - Why did the chicken cross the road?
(Assumes you ask "Why?") - To get to your house. Knock-knock!
(Assumes you ask "Who's there?") - THE CHICKEN!

It's just inviting trouble for the poor sucker who
Says "I love you."

All generalizations are dangerous, even this one. - Alexandre Dumas (24 July 1802 – 5 December 1870)

In a darkened room, I said "Bloody Caesar" three times in front of the mirror. A Canadian Ape came out of the mirror and treated me to brunch.