Isis Uptown

The ghost, played by Casey Affleck in a sheet, starched that sheet, so the bartender, Barry, would be scared stiff.

This ghost, played by Casey Affleck in a sheet, walks into a bar, and says "Boo! I'll have Dark 'n' Stormy."

The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (July 8, 1926 – August 24, 2004)

The bluest sky you've ever seen, in Seattle.
And the hills the greenest green, in Seattle.
Like a beautiful child
Growing up, free and wild.
Full of hopes and full of fears,
Full of laughter, full of tears,
Full of dreams to last a year
In Seattle.

A lot of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was filmed in New Orleans, so Caesar was often seen around town.

A sneak dish scandalizes the involved overlap.

The mark clogs inside a leadership. How will our incompetence communicate a charitable hook?

The paralegal likes ALL the sports. I'm gonna ask him if there are fantasy Iditerod teams.

Just clarifying that both are male, though women in our office are also into fantasy football.

Yesterday, a guy paralegal and a guy attorney were talking about fantasy sports, the paralegal throwing around French names and mentioning a "sprinter". Thus I learned that one may even assemble a fantasy cycling team.

Usually we hate things or people with which we have some emotional involvement. - Harriette Simpson Arnow (July 7, 1908 – March 22, 1986)

(Ay, who I be?)
Rubberband man, wild as the Taliban
9 in my right, 45 in my other hand
(Ay, Who I'm is?)
Call me Trouble Man
Always in trouble, man!
Worth a couple hundred grand
Chevys all colors, man

I dislike Barry so much, I made him a bartender and put him in this joke. (I didn't even know he'd get his face eaten, that was a surprise!)

I'll bet sheet-wearing Casey Affleck finds that hilarious.

Barry then laughed his irritating laugh, and said "You're hilarious, dude."

Then New Orleans Zombie #1 high-fived Caesar and fist-bumped the Tom Collins the robot (which broke NOZ#1's hand, but he's a zombie, so he didn't care), because no one was more deserving of such a fate as Barry the ignorant bartender.

A lot of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was filmed in New Orleans, so Caesar was often seen around town.

Hey, sirslud. . . .BOO!

It sounds haunting.

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost. - My boyfriend Tenzin, a/k/a His Holiness, the Dalai Lama (6 July 1935)